Could someone assist with this identification?

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hello all,

I realize with all the hybridization, that it is not as simple
as putting up a picture for a postiive identification, but
I was hoping I have an older cultivar which may be standard
enough for an id, or at least a species name.

This particular bloom, among many other Iris, were rescued
from a site which will soon be bulldozed for construction.
The previous owner was an elderly gentleman who has since
passed, so it was only appropriate to save these for him and
ensure they survive. Yes, I do have permission from the new
owner to remove them.

There is no doubt the Iris have been there for quite some time,
as they are absolutely crammed along the fenceline all around
the home, masses of them.

Thanks to a wonderful Dave's Garden member, I now have a
great book on Iris, but in looking at all the photos, I'm a bit puzzled
as to what I have.

If any of you have the Gardener's Guide to Growing Irises by
Geoff Stebbings, the bloom I think I may have is on page nine
of the introduction, I. 'Meter White', a tall bearded cultivar.

The same browish veining, the same slight tinge of a very gentle
purple, everything looks right.

I'll include a few photos, but as they were taken indoors, I'm not
sure the color will ring true.

Many thanks for any assistance.


Thumbnail by WUVIE
Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

A shot of the center, which is a struggle between
several colors. While it is white with a purple stripe,
the petals almost have a pink hue about them - hard
to describe, but definitely there.

Thumbnail by WUVIE
Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

One more shot, though this particular photo
shows how long the petals are. Droopy feller, eh?

Almost forgot to mention, in all the Iris I have, this
one does not smell pleasant. The purple Iris smell lovely,
but this white one, well, it's not a scent I would like to
smell again.

Thumbnail by WUVIE
Pylesville, MD(Zone 6b)

Karen there are just so many this can be from Anitra To I. Albicans
Without getting abunch of historics to grow next to it you might never know
But she is pretty
this is the World of Iris photos
this is the Historical Iris Preservation Society site
Good luck

Hulbert, OK(Zone 7a)

Hello Av,

Ah, that is what I thought. I felt silly posting it because I know
from experience with daylilies that one generally cannot just
show a picture and get a name.

Many thanks for your help.


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