sowing mimulus seed

Lawrence, KS

I have 50 teeny tiny bright green magical blotch mix mimulus seeds. I would prefer to direct sow them outside, because I don't have any grow lights available inside (what I have are dedicated to the veggies). Any advice? When is the right time to sow these seeds outside? If I start them inside, can they get what they need from a sunny window until they are transplanted? Or am I just too late for either option?

I am in Northeast Kansas, Zone 5 (Zone 5b to be specific).


Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

Have you ever winter-sown? I winter-sowed mimulus last year and had fantastic success with them.


Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

It is very easy to start them inside, just sprinkle over your potting soil, do not cover since light aids germination and keep them under glass or in a plastic bag so it stays moist. The first weeks, they will grow slowly, you will be able to stick them when they will be large enough.

Lawrence, KS

Thank you both!

Dee, I tried winter sowing for the first time this year, with nicotania. Just when I got a container of green poking up, we had a heat wave; I forgot to increase the air vents, and my wee seedlings all fried! But I'll try again next year.

Zarcanat, thanks for the encouragement; I'm going to try to start 1/2 of my inside now, and save the other 1/2 to try winter sowing next year.

Aren't they the most cheerful seeds!

Thanks again.

Coeur D Alene, ID(Zone 5a)

I just had great success growing them indoors - my first time. They are really tiny at first, but the last few weeks, they've tripled in size and now they are ready to start blooming (I planted them about 6 weeks ago.)

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