K' HT What am I doing wrong?

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

I planted the three cuttings in one huge pot and 2 are really starting to leaf out and grow. But the 3rd one (Yellow) is still just a stick! It doesn't look dead but it is just not leafing out at all. Since it already had roots when you sent it I know that end should be fine and I have been feeding them once a week like you reccomended.

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

Zany, send it to me and I will try some Ga. water on it. I'll go down to the creek and get a good pail of water for it. Of course after that water it will never want to come back to Ca. Have you tried any kerrioke music on it? Jim

Burlington, ON

We have a Canadian Gardner named Ken Beattie who has a show on WTN TV called Get Growing.
He routinely recommends a tonic of 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts to one gallon of water along with the proper strength of Transplant fertilizer for all new, growing transplants.
His theory is that the epsom salts cleans the roots, allowing them to pick up the nitrients better.
I have used this system on many of my transplants and as a routine dose in watering with good results.
Has anyone else heardof it or tried it?

Burlington, ON

We have a Canadian Gardner named Ken Beattie who has a show on WTN TV called Get Growing.
He routinely recommends a tonic of 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts to one gallon of water along with the proper strength of Transplant fertilizer for all new, growing transplants.
His theory is that the epsom salts cleans the roots, allowing them to pick up the nitrients better.
I have used this system on many of my transplants and as a routine dose in watering with good results.
Has anyone else heard of it or tried it?

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Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

RA, what is transplant fertilizer?

lagrange, GA(Zone 7a)

My mother and aunt used to use epsom salt on ferns but I have never tried it on anything. Jim

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

Ok I will put them into smaller pots and see what happens. I am so claustraphobic that I do tend to give my small plants too much space! But if they start complaining about their small living qurters I am gong to blame it on you! :}

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

Just a thought---my brother has several fish tanks, and he's recently gotten into gardening as well. He's been rooting cuttings of EVERYTHING in the water he removes when he cleans his fish tanks, and so far it's all been super-fast at rooting and growing.Nothing like a little fish feces, I guess.

Port Huron, MI(Zone 5b)

Good idea Judith..it is logical. I have 3 big aquriums..quess I need some fish in at least one of them...just for the dirty water...ha..ha..

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

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Burlington, ON

arlene, transplant fertilizer is one that has the # ratio -
Nitrogen-10% Phosphorus-45% and potash-15% ie 10-45-15.
The higher last 2 numbers are considered good for stimulating root growth.

MzMunchken, thanks for your input on the epsomsalts.

Judith, you have given me an idea! I have a large fish pond so I will try using that water. If nothing else, the chemicals added by our city to the water will have evapourated, especially the chlorine.

Newberry, FL(Zone 8B)

trish, i have put epsom salts on all of my brugs, maybe it is the difference in soil, i have retched soil, can rain an inch in an hour and in 15 minutes there is none standing. plus i am lazy, i sprinkle around the plants so it takes a while to sink in. on the other hand, how did it die? i have one with a stalk looking kind of stunted although it has pretty new stalks.

RA, thanks, never heard of that, but i usually use what is called bloom booster of some kind that has a much higher phosporous level, the better the roots the better the plant.

Judith, i like the fish water idea, i have been doing emergent watering out of my barrel pond on the deck, may do a little more.

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