Can you say Addicted!

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Oh my gosh since joining DG and visiting this forum I am well on my way to becoming a lily fanatic! I was out shopping on Friday and picked up more lilies. Stargazer(10bulbs), America (5bulbs),
Tom Pouce (5bulbs), Amazing (5bulbs) and Nove Centro (3bulbs). I also have an order ready to send on Monday to the Lily Nook plus I already have made notes on lilies I want to order for next year! This could be a very costly obsession!


This message was edited Apr 10, 2006 7:22 AM

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Can you say, "Hello, my name is Michelle and I'm a bulbaholic." We haven't quite figured out what the 12 step program is to overcome this addiction. I'm the meantime, buy on....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Chances are the 12 steps will lead you to a garden center bulb display...maybe thats just me...nah!

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I... can... say... addicted.... Can you say one shelf and one crisper in the fridge reserved for yet-to-be-planted lilies and bags of scales and bulblets doing their chill out thing? Can ANYONE out there TOP me? Do I hear TWO shelves in the fridge? How about TWO crispers? HOW ABOUT TWO SHELVES AND TWO CRISPERS? If anyone can beat my ONE shelf and ONE crisper I would like to up the ante with an additional THIRTY baggies of different lily seeds sprouting. BRING IT ON!!! This is a challenge!!! If anyone beats that, I'll just go to my freezer (1/4 shelf reserved) and get out MORE lily seeds to start. C'mon-- who needs a 12 step program?


Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Maybe they will name a clinic after you someday. The Pardalinum Clinic where all silverware is banned (for obvious reasons).

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I don't need no stinking program! I'm down to only 1/2 shelf left to plant. :)

(Not counting an order still to come and a handful of Stargazers bulbs that were just too huge to pass up for only 2 bucks each.)

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Laughing at Pardalinium....I think you win the prize. Here, a few people wondered why I took all of the time with the bulblets and scales, but to me that's the 'bonus' in every package of Lily bulbs!

I have arranged a 'double shot' with my addiction! During the fall, I fill some pots with lily bulbs and set them in the floor of my GH getting southern exposure. In March and April, I get some luscious blooms ahead of the blooms in the perennial beds outside. Twice in a year is a great way to feed the need....

Syracuse, NY(Zone 5a)

oh hooray, I am not alone! I thought I was the only addict! (see my post on the bulbs messgae board) I just went and bought a bunch more bulbs too. I went for a purple theme - callas, lilies, dahlia and iris. Plus I just had to have them - an african queen lily and a pink lily of the valley.

My husband is going to have a fit.

I guess I'd better start a 12-step program too!

Thumbnail by torisebastian
Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Well, I have 2 fridges. One in kitchen for food and one in basement for lilium and assorted other blubs. PLUS, had to get an apartment-sized freezer this winter for my seeds etc. Seemed to be losing seed bags in bottom of the food freezer.Inanda

(Zone 6a)

I'm not a lily addict yet.....but I'm well on my way!!! Last year I had 2 and this year....I did a rough count and I have about 16. Not very many compared to some of you (*cough*...Pardalinium). I'm at risk of trying to get more though.....


Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

I absolutely feel your pain. If this Plantskyd works I too will be in with both feet! I planted my order from B&D Lilies yesterday. Nothing too unusual,Crystal Blanca,Uncle Albert,New Wave,Pink Pagoda and Arena.Also Lolipop from Lowes. So far my spray of Plantskyd seems to be keeping everything safe.Keeping my fingers crossed.

Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

hmmm, ya just had ta make me go and check the damage.....
I absolutely DON'T have a separate fridge or even 2 shelves reserved, so I couldn't possibly be that far gone....lemme see...
outside pots....(most with multiple lilies) today's count :::63 pots of varying sizes - a significant number are 2004 scaled lilies that ...need... to be planted out this year). (where did they come from???? I hope they all survived ok)

baggies of seeds (sprouting in the warm):::8 bags
(on cold time in the fridge):::18 least I have some time with these... :)

This doesn't count the lily seeds I received recently from the NALS seed exchange...

new shipment...(Lily Nook):::9 bulbs.

This years scales in pots (in the warm now):::35 pots----

whew! who knew?
(here is one of the outside shelves - all but the top shelf are lilies in pots)

Thumbnail by esw
Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

I found that out with the spring planted bulbs blooming if we combine methods....hmmm
THREE blooming periods!!!???

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

esw. Just great. A person after my own heart. I'll have to go google to see where you live.

I've started planting outside today!!!!. FINALLY. How do you cope with the dread beetle. Spray -if so what - or forever collecting them?

Some Ottawa gardeners have stopped growing lilium because of them. Ditto in Halifax. We do have horrible root-eating ants here but no beetles in Winnipeg YET.


Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a) beetles here yet....I hope to keep it that way. I'd really rather not have to poison them as we are on well water here. What goes in the ground eventually makes its way into the water table. Yeesh. The only pests have been the voles and the cages have really done the trick so far. We'll see what comes up this year....

Glad you hear you are in the garden...Sue

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Sue-- watch out for all those scaled lilies. They will come back to haunt you! I gave away a mess of Scheherazade last year that I grew from scales (just 3 scales!) and I STILL have a bunch taking up space needed for other lilies. What did you get from NALS (my favorite shopping place)? I donated this year so had first access.

Inanda-- I purchased one of those apartment sized fridges just for this purpose but on the lowest setting my stuff froze! That's when I had to go on a diet and kick the food out of the kitchen fridge and start eating crackers. Lots of crackers. And canned soup. You know, food that doesn't need refrigeration.

Well, I need to go take care of some scales now. From my spring purchases. Nothing like a little insurance, right?


St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

All of these posts have made me laugh. My addiction is very small in comparison to some of you. But I'm beginning to believe if I keep hanging around this forum there will be a second fridge in my not so distant future!


This message was edited Apr 11, 2006 8:29 AM

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Michelle, it's true, the more you grow them the more you want. In 2 years I've gone from 4 varieties to the neighborhood of 64 varieties, and my want list is a mile long. But I've enjoyed the challenge of searching and price comparing, finding good deals for good bulbs. And since they increase so well, trading is great fun to. Have fun diving deeper into the world of lilies!

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I do hate to admit it, buttttt my extra frig in the basement is packed full of lily bulbs waiting to be planted.
so far have only put in 17 bulbs, and have close to 150 bulbs to go!!

Talk about an addiction!!!!!


Excelsior, MN(Zone 4a)

beaker_ch: We've kind of started a D. A. group on the daylily forum. (Daylilyaholics Anonymous) ; The Serenity Prayer goes like this: "God grant me the serenity to buy the daylilies I can afford, courage to ignore the ones I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference".

St. Peter's, PE(Zone 6a)

Wow I can't wait to see pics of your lilies this year. That is quite a collection in 2 years. I started with about 8 varieties last year and this year so far I have added 10 more to my garden and the season hasn't even started here.

You definitely will be busy planting 150 bulbs hope you take lots of pics when they bloom.

I fell in love with daylilies last year and have about 4 different ones. Plan to add a few more this year. I also lurk on the daylily site and the pics are all beautiful. Maybe it would be safer if I just stayed away from the computer. NAH! I love the "Serenity Prayer" especially your unique twist on it!

(Zone 6a)

I've been getting into daylilies also, this year I have 3 different ones....2 of which I'm hoping to cross :)


Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

Pardalinum.....NARGS had a tremendous selection. Mostly I got various martagons, and species types....I am going to start things out in pots in the ground outside and in baggies and give it a go to see which works better for me.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Sue- I just checked out the NARGS site; I've seen it before but it has been awhile. They sure do have a lot of lily species. Right now I have seed for around 15 or 16 different species but haven't started them all. Of the ones I have started these have germinated: pumilum red and yellow varieties, taliense var. kaichen, lankongense, henryi var. citrinum, cernuum, martagon and pardalinum. So I consider these easy. Still waiting on nepalense var. robustum, rosthornii, and canadense.

I think it is a good idea to try different germination methods and also save some seed back, stored in the freezer. I'm a baggie person myself. I don't have to check them very often for moisture. My main problem is sometimes I put them somewhere then forget where I put them. Like the other day when I took my oriental starts out of the fridge. Then a couple days later I went to look for them and couldn't find them! Now if they were in a pot on the patio I don't think I would have this occasional problem!

In case you don't know, your martagon seeds need warm, cold, warm cycles before they germinate above the soil. Or wait till late summer or early fall to sow.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Checked yesterday when cleaning out bed next to house on NE side and some of the martagons are showing. Very early for them I would say.
Otherwise none of the other lilies are up.
Winter isn't over yet.


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

My 3 year old marties from scales are all up -under wire -. The bunnies are out too. And cats. Feral cats drive me CRAZY. Few heaved iris so stepped on them to shove them back where they belong.

This year I've started planting Egyptian onions, shallots & sprinkled chives amongst some of my lilies just to see what happens. Last year the cats left the lilies alone where I had chives with them.

Maxine --- 150 blubs to plant. You are def. crazy. Worse than me even ... and my friends think I'm crazy. Hope you have good weather this weekend to plant them all out. Am curious, in a lily patch or perennial borders?

Just noticed you are in WI. Are you going to Au Claire???

I bought a couple of foxtail lilies last weekend. Still have them on the windowsill till I KNOW frost/snow are finished. Someone in Alberta grows them so thought I would try.

Snoopy inanda who'll have more time this year . Last year was far too busy with NALS here.

This message was edited Apr 13, 2006 3:43 PM

Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC(Zone 7b)

I am happy to report that I have not bought a single bulb this spring (zero, zip, nada). I am going cold turkey

(outside my window is 8 square planters with some 40-50 bulbs which did not get planted last fall and which were overwintering in plastic planters).

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Inanda, have been planting lily bulbs a few every day. Getting to be a problem as to where I wish to put them!! Shouldn't have purchased so many.
Some are in three lily beds and am waiting to see what I can put where when the ones planted emerge.

will give an account of bulbs planted when I get done, if ever.

Yes, I will be going to Nals in Eau Claire. So far, have run fast enough so that I don't have to work, but will see. Promished one lady that I would help her at her open house if she wished.

Have a great Easter, everyone.Maxine

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