Plant damage from chemicals

Kennesaw, GA

We survived yesterday's tornadoes with a split Bradford pear and a downed basketball goal. Unfortunately, the goal had water in the base with a mix of anti-freeze in it, and when it blew over, it soaked a newly-planted cypress and lorapetulum. We got a large amount of rain, and I'm hoping it washed away enough, but I could still smell the anti-freeze afterwards. Are these two plants hosed?

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

I think the anti-freeze (assuming it's Ethylene glycol) is more toxic to animals than to plants. I would dilute it some more, quickly, with water, and then wait it out.

Good luck, and congratulations on getting rid of your Bradford! That tornado was a message from The Great Spirit -- don't plant Bradford. (The hoop destruction was merely collateral damage.)

Guy S.

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