My First Papillo Bloom

Riverside, CA(Zone 9b)

I just wanted to share with you my first Bloom of my Papillo amaryllis. Hope I spelled that right. It was the first one to bloom this year.


Thumbnail by NJBGardener
Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Cool! I think it's Hippeastrum papilio (with one 'l') but I could be wrong and often am :-) This is one of my favorites - it's so exotic-looking. Mine always have two scapes with two flowers each. I assume that's typical of H. papilio? Most of my other amaryllis have 4 or sometimes 5-6 flowers per scape.

North Brunswick, NJ

That certainly looks like Hippeastrum papilio to me: the flower shape and color pattern are the giveaways. It almost always produces 2 flowers per scape; once in a blue moon I've seen three per. Several years ago a friend of mine claimed she had a clone that always produced three per scape, but I never saw it.


East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

very very nice

in Houston, TX(Zone 9a)

Congratulations on your beautiful bloom.

Riverside, CA(Zone 9b)

It does have two blooms but the other one is right behind the one you see. As to my surprise the snails got to that one before I could put the snail bait down. And thank you everyone.

North East England, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Lucky you!

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