Kill and Destroy : All Yucca Plants!

Lees Summit, MO(Zone 5b)

Any ideas how I can get rid of these little persistant ugly plants? I can't seem to find any goof resource on the topic.

I've got Yucca out the wazoo of a house I just bought.... They all must go!

I'm much more of a fan of "pretty" plants...not these desert water hogs. So how might I kill the little rascals?

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Dig them up they spred by large tubers so you need to remove the tuber. Though they hate acidic soil so a sulfur fertilizer to acidify the soil a couple of times might do them in. Just an idea. Not a yucca killing expert.

Greenfield, IN(Zone 5a)


dig up the tuber? Ha
get your pick axe and hack!
It took us hours to dig
we dug till we could stand to dig no more

they won-little yuccas are back this year

Oh and beware-they fight back! they will poke you bad!
I would consider wearing eye protection

Good luck, Rachel

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

Well, here's my yucca story...

When my husband was in college, 20 years ago, a friend ("friend") gave him a little yucca plant that he'd found in a dumpster. (That should have been his first hint right there.) In the next two decades, that plant was transported across the country several times in un-airconditioned vehicles, left outside in all sorts of weather, chewed by cats, peed on by cats, thrown down the stairs, and attacked by a nasty case of scale. I don't think I ever watered it. Eventually this plant grew to about 7 feet tall, with two little tufts of leaves on the very top. It was the ugliest darn thing and it refused to die, I'm sure just to annoy me. Finally both trunks got soft, sagged, and fell over. I rejoiced! and DH sawed off the dead trunks and was going to give it the heave ho when he noticed SUCKERS growing out of the bottom of the stumps.

So needless to say we still have this darn plant sitting in our dining room. It smirks whenever I walk by. I'm sure it will survive Armageddon.


Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)


Thanks for the warning! I was looking at one the other day.


Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I'll add my thanks too... I've been germinating yucca seeds to put in at our cottage but now I'm having major second thoughts about introducing what sounds like a real thug. Mind you, our -40C winters might be a match for it...?

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

I've had Yucca in yards and it was never a problem. I think if you make sure to get the seed out of the pods instead of letting them disburse them selves, you are ok. The seed pods are big. Someone just didn't care that lived there before.
You might offer free "dig your own" Yuccas on Freecycle.
Good luck.

(Zone 9a)

In my former life, in southern California, my ex-husband and I had a yucca in the back yard, fortunately in an out of way way corner. We truly wanted it GONE. Chopped it down. Axed it to about a foot or so below ground level. Poured gasoline on the fleshy below ground part and set it on fire. Still it sprouted. We gave up and used it for our "toxic waste dump" on that property. Used motor oil, anything else that we didn't want to put down the drain. (City living, and well before we had anything in the way of decent recycling.) It never died.

If I were going to try to remove one now, I'd start with a good sized backhoe.

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

GrdnDelite--I think your yucca and mine must have been related!!!


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