Lazy SS Farm

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Wow, what a site. I just found it yesterday while looking for some reasonably priced Japanese Iris. I think it took me over 3 hours to go through the entire catalog. They've got a good rating on the GW and a marvelous selection of perennials. Most of the photos show companion plantings and the prices aren't too bad. The pricing on the JI were about half of what I've seen elsewhere (6.49)and the Helleborus were affordable. Alot of plants I've never seen anywhere else. I picked up Echinacea purpurea 'Fragrant Angel' plus 10 others for just over 100.00 (includes shipping). Shipping is expensive, but it looks like all the plants ship in quart containers. If you're looking for new perennials, you need to check this site out.

Southern, CT(Zone 6a)

Cool. Thanks!

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

Wow! I just spent 45 minutes and didn't put a dent in it. Great site.

Thanks Beaker :) You just spent my bonus check for me lol

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I love sedum and their list is very long, thank you.

Cramlington, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Beaker do let us know how your plants are when they arrive. This looks like a really good resource!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I just noticed they made the WD top 30. I'm surprised someone hasn't mentioned them before. Just one thing I'm a little confused about. People giving feedback indicate plants are very healthy, but small. The site indicates quart size containers. Why would they use quart size containers for small plants? Maybe they have really good roots.

LOL, I started with A and by the time I got to C, I decided I better start looking at plants that were on my list. I ended up ordering about 3 I had never heard of before, but sounded too good to pass up..

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

I can't believe all on my wants list and I have 80 containers of winter sowing to plant. I am going to have to contain myself. Deeeep breath.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I would love to order from them but their shipping charges are outrageous plus a minimum $8-something handling charge. Despite their page-long explanation of why, sorry but when I can order from any number of other great mailorder sources and pay half what they're charging for shipping, I don't care what they're selling.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I agree that the shipping is very expensive. But if this is the only place to get a certain plant, and they do carry a lot of plants not found elsewhere, I would order from them. It basically comes down to how much you want the plant.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Have you tried Gossler Farms? They have a fantastic selection of perennials and shrubs including a lot I haven't seen elsewhere. They also sent by far the nicest, largest and healthiest plants I've ever received mail order - I couldn't believe the size when I opened the box - and their shipping is reasonable. They don't tack on a sky high handling charge either.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Are you sure they carry perennial garden plants? All I could find are trees and shrubs. Did I miss something?

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Oh, yes, they have lots of perennials. I see that their online catalog is pretty lame. What's shown on the links is a fraction of what's in their paper catalog. Click where it says "download catalog." That's a pdf version of their paper catalog and will show everything. They list everything alphabetically, no sections for shrubs, trees, perennials, etc.

They for a long time had no website at all so I would guess web based catalogs aren't their forte.

Send for their paper catalog and you'll be drooling. I don't think they charge anything, at least I've never paid for a catalog from them.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Well, I never miss an opportunity to shop for plants (LOL)! I'll do that and thanks for the tip.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

They must have gotten in to perennial more recently. Several years ago, when I received the paper catalog, there were none-just woodies. A very good place though; I am very pleased with my purchases.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Must have been a long time ago, Leftwood. I've been getting their catalog for 10 years and there have been perennials in all the ones I've gotten. In fact, my first order from them 10 years ago included a perennial. It would probably help, though, if they'd sort their catalog into categories.

Oh, well, I'll forgive them for not having the perfect catalog because their plants are so nice.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i just received my first order from Lazy S. i haven't posted in watchdog yet because i am torn. the people there are unbelievably nice and they stand behind their plants. here is the problem though. small isn't even the word for their plants. i ordered four hesperaloe and they looked like grass blades, but i was told they were one or two years old, i can't remember now, the exact age. three of them were rotted in the middle and i sent pictures to them. they offered to refund my money but they wanted the plants sent back at their expense. i had already transplanted them in to one larger container. i now have a two month guarantee on them, if they die, they will replace them. i had placed another order right after the first one and i immediately cancelled it. debby, the owner, sent me a free plant for all of my trouble. it was one of the phygelius i had ordered on the second order. she wanted me to see how nice and healthy one of their two year old plants looked usually. i have to say that it was smaller than my smallest mini rose recently received from nor'east. although debby is about the nicest person i've ever had email contact with, i am way too impatient to fiddle around with this size plant, no matter how rare or how much i want it. sorry to rain on the parade, but i thought i should let you all know. i will say that if i wanted small house plants i might try them, but these were supposed to be landscape plants for my yard. debi

Washington, DC

Lazy S web site is horrible. OK if you know what you want and know the species name but impossible for browsing.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i agree with the above too.

Rockford, IL(Zone 4b)

I ordered from Lazy SS, and I have to say I'm pretty impressed. The plants are very nice sized, healthy, and well packaged. I order the majority of my plant purchases online, and this is by far the best packing job I've seen. I guess now I know why shipping was pricey. I will order from them again.


Alexandria, VA(Zone 7b)

I'm also very happy with my order-they have lots of plants I can't get locally, they're carefully packaged & shipped (shipping is high, but they take great care with their shipping)-I'm very satisfied, will order again...

Granite City, IL

I love this company. I ordered Heuchera and Variegated Horseradish 2 years ago and was very impressed on this quality and size of the plants. The shipping was a bit high, but the plants came potted in the containers. Extremely healthy. My comment about them in the watchdog was posted in a garden magazine :o)

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