Weight Loss Challange April 8th - April 15th

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Here we go, almost to tax day! And the middle of the 4th month of the year. It is cold here this morning for the middle of April. Or at least it feels that way to me.

The dogs woke me up about 6 this morning which isn't unusual. It was the way they were barking that was different. I finally found a young-30ish-man walking around out in the yard trying to raise someone by knocking on one door then another. He had taken the corner at the end of our drive too fast I guess and ended up in the ditch. I called Kyle who thankfully had just gotten up to come help him. I made Jack get up and come sit in the living room with us until Kyle got here. I see the man's vehicle-he told us some kind of SUV-still at the end of the drive with doors open, etc. and Kyle has brought the tractor back up and parked it so the vehicle is out of the ditch anyway. The man has an iPod but I guess the batteries are dead. He called his girlfriend but from the end of the conversation I heard she wasn't going to come to his aid. I just looked with the binoculars and saw Kyle's GEO Tracker down there. Then the 2 vehicles drove off so I guess all is well. Mostly it seemed the SUV was high centered and couldn't get any traction to get itself out of the ditch. It is a deep ditch. You could tell the man was city clear thru. He thought our 1/4 mile drive was 2 miles long and that the nearest neighbor is 3-5 miles away and has a yard full of pit bulls. They are actually less than a mile away and one has mutts and the other one has coon hounds & Corgis, most of them in cages.

I should have toasted this 1/2 bagel after thawing it in the microwave. It is chewey as rubber this way. I have some cream cheese on it. I ate a few wheat thins with some no sugar added orange spread on them too. That just sounded good to me.

I have 15 of the 19 pages of MO DG members notified of the RU on May 27th. So far I have gotten several responses. Not all saying they were coming, but some did. I hope to get busy and finish this morning. Then will have to keep checking back to contact new members. We have gained 20 just this week. Tho none have showed up on the new member listing on the home page. I also notice that several people I know are members/subscribers don't seem to be listed. Is there somewhere else to look for them?

GOD bless and keep each of you.

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