My Shade Garden Planning

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

We moved in 6 weeks ago and I am so excited about this area in my backyard. I have another 75% of backyard, but it's all open and grass. This will be my little garden room when I am done. It is shaded by American Elms and a Hackberry. I love the canopy they create.

Please ignore the big dune buggy in front of the building. It will be moving to the other side of the building as soon as we take out the dying Honey Locust tree.

Thumbnail by sweezel
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

How lucky! I envy the fence you have as a backdrop. Plant sweet smelling flowers next to your chairs!

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

I don't know if you can see what I have put in so far. I planted Autumn Fern & Christmas fern around the bird bath. I put in on Purple Palace Heuchera close to it. Also, there are two Japanese Maples.

Thumbnail by sweezel
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

It's pretty already. The heuchera really livens it up! So far I've been attracted to the Marmalade and Peach Flambe, but there's something to be said for Purple palace. I'll be watching this thread to see what else you come up with.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is a rough plan showing what I plan on doing...

I am going to take out the two little trees between the big ones and put in a hammock. The Crossvine that I planted should grow up and cover the shed side. I plan in creating an bed edge with rocks and then stepping stones to the hammock. Some ideas I have to put in the area are Hydrangea's (the blue), More Heucheras (the orange), Hostas (light green), and ferns (dark green), and small edgers like oxalis and wood violets (pink). Against the fence the big blobs stand for the Red Buckeye and Beauty Berry I would like to put in. Elephant Ears are planted further up the fence.

I will also hang some bird feeders and wind chimes from the trees above. And a rope swing might go to the right side of the garden.

Thumbnail by sweezel
McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks. :) Purple Palace is one that's known to stand up to our heat so when I saw such a beautiful big speciman on Wednesday, I bought it. I also got two more today that are Texas Strong - Dales Variety and Green Spice.

There is still quite a bit of work to be done to the bed. I have planted everything slightly mounded after adding a bit of compost to prepare for dirt to be added. I really need to bring in a truck load of compost and work about 2 inches into the whole area. Don't want to add too much so I don't hurt the trees, but the soil is fairly compacted and just seems dead. The previous owners added sandy topsoil in some areas, but kept the area free of leaves and there was no growth of grass due to the shade.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Looks good so far. Love the hammock. The stepping stones are nice too. I love Beautyberry. We are on the edge of being able to grow it. My neighbor tried and it didn't come back in the spring. Another thread says the birds are drawn to it. I love the trees backlit by the sunlight. If you don't enlarge the photo it almost looks real LOL.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL I had not noticed that about the thumbnail until you said it. I can't wait to get the hammock in. I have already hinted to my daughter that it is what I need for Mother's Day. :)

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Sweezel, this is such a wonderful canopy and I love your hammock and swing. It's going to be stunning!

Maybe it might be fun to have a sitting area carved out of one of the large planting areas - probably the one on the left or even both. It would create a fun surprise walking past the closest plantings and finding the space in the middle. Large deep areas are hard to landscape so if you put in a patio or a mondo grass nana lawn you can surround it with beautiful beds and they will be useful and accessible. Easier to garden too. This will give you a structure to work with and things will easily fall into place.

What about an arbor at the front of the path - that is if there is enough sun to grow something wonderful there?

I find that people coming to my garden love these intimate spaces and so do I. They are often called 'garden rooms' and you have a wonderful opportunity here.

Maybe bring it to curb appeal to see what people might say. Yes, that's really garden design. We're working on changing the name of it.

This is going to be heaven!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

No wonder your photos are so nice and homey Doss. You have a good feel for it!

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Doss. I like the idea of a bench. I might have to put one up on the left side. I also like the idea of the of an arbor.

I planted a red buckeye, two more heuchera's, and a columbine today. I am getting there.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

A bench would be good, but I was thinking more carving out a small flat place and putting perhaps two chairs and a small table. Perfect place to go have lunch with someone on a hot day. I love eating areas in my garden. I have a casual one with a sofa and a chair which is in a nook and always warm with and small tables. I have another with a larger table and 6 chairs in a place that's cool in the summer. I have small microclimates in my garden and you probably do too. It's good to think about.

But if you don't love to eat outside then it's not worth the bother. I still think that curved beds with some sort of space in the center would be great. Getting to work in beds that deep is next to impossible unless you put a path through the middle of them. Another possibility.

You'd also like some spring color so azaleas or Rhodies and daffodils would wake up the spring, perhaps?. You have the color of the hydrangeas and the heuchera for the summer. Tiarella is another good flower plant in the spring. And don't forget Astilbe. Beautiful foliage and there are cultivars that bloom longer than than they used to.

As long as you don't change the grade level of the ground near the trunk of the tree you should be safe to till around it. I plant right up to my big walnut but you might want to give it some distance if you're worried. I even plant under my birches and they have very shallow roots.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Being in zone 5, I'm just going to admire your choices. It's amazing how ''big'' an area can be when you wind around and make small rooms. I've seen a lot of people recommending the buckeye too.

Which Japanese Maples did you choose?

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Just found this thread. You know I LOVE shady areas! This is going to be a wonderful space for you to relax after working out in your sun beds. :-) By the way, I have oxalis coming up all over the place so if you want some, I'll dig a couple of bunches up for you before I come up to pick up co-op stuff.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Staci I love your diagrams. Reminded me of those diagrams made my footbal commentator John Madden, lol. It's gonna look great.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks Terrie. I would love some oxalis! I just received an order of Iron Cross Oxalis bulbs. Would you like a couple?

Thanks Nery. I added a couple more plants. I put in two Peonies that I bought yesterday, and a Geranium that has been in a pot since I bought them last year. I have quite a few more plants waiting to be planted. It's never ending and I want to do it all now! LOL

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Sure, if you can spare them! I'll dig the purple oxalis right before we get together next week. They multiply like crazy but they look kind of wilty for awhile when you disturb them.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, I ordered them from Blooming Bulb and thought they would be in yesterday, but I only received the Lilies I ordered from them. Maybe I will get them before we meet up.

Mississauga, ON(Zone 6a)

sweezel, you're going to have a mighty fine retreat there. I'll be looking for updates as you go along. Joan

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I ordered Swallowtail and Red Hobbit columbine this year because they're supposed to reseed true to themselves. They are yellow, and red. They might be a nice addition.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks billy. I had a dwarf red and white columbine at the old house that came back for a couple years and reseeded itself. I'd like to get another one. I did buy a yellow Texas (Hinkley's) columbine last Thursday at a plant sale. I also bought two Peonies (planted Friday), Royal Robe Viola, another Huechera, & Beauty Berry for the shade garden along with some sun stuff. I can't decide if I want the Beauty Berry in the shade garden or in the wildscape behind the fence though.

Yesterday, I planted the Viola and a Peony, that had been in a pot since last spring, in the shade bed. I also pulled some grass and weeds. I really need to get the edging in and add some soil to the bed.

My Crossvine that I planted against the shed is blooming though! I have heard that they will bloom in shade, and I am so glad to see that it is true. Now I just need it to cover the darn thing.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Just saw this thread!...I've been thinking about you, lately, since the weather has been so nice, and wondered if you had "your own" dirt to dig in, again, yet...

Glad to hear that you do!!!

Where did you find your home? Are you still in McKinney? Looks like you have nice acreage and just so glad you are finally settled!!


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)


Terrie- I sure need your input on shade sometime! I just hate gardening in the shade, lol...

If you truly love it, I could sure use your input. Everything I like, likes more sun than I have...

Maybe you can both come by for lunch??

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Got a place about two miles north, still in McKinney. I have just under half an acre backing to a creek. Sound familiar? :) Here's a link to some pics I posted of the place. The trees have really filled out since those pics though.

I was just thinking about you yesterday. I noticed the Blue sky vine you gave me has a little shoot coming up. I really starting to think it was a goner. Plus, I noticed the Clematis Pitcheri you gave me, which was the second plant I actually planted at the new place, is looking very happy in it's new home next to the shed door.

We should definitely get together. A workday lunch is probably not feasible, because it's a bit of a drive from downtown, but I bet we can work something out. It would be fun it we all three get together.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

So happy for you! That looks like a very nice new home, and plenty of room for you to play in!

I looked at the link, and YES, does sound very familiar.
We are now twinkies, lol...

I know weekends are definitely best for you, but I know that is your only time with family...soooo...maybe you can bring your kids, and they can play in the pool, while we gals talk plants?


Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Taylor, I would love for the three of us to get together soon and see your gardens! Another thing you both might like to do sometime is to take a trip to Dee's Garden (Bareroots) in Howe. She told me she would be opening the end of this month. I will be out of town this weekend but am pretty open for any other time!

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Well, half of the weekends there are no kids around, so I am up for a weekend. Except for the weekend of the 29th, I look to be pretty open.

A trip to Dee's in May would be great. I went up there once last year so I know where it is. We could meet at my place since it's the farthest north and I'd be happy to drive.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

sounds like a plan! far north is Howe? Is Bareoots a shade perrenial nursery?

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Nope but I bet she has some shade plants! I just thought it would be fun to visit another DG member at her nursery. :-)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, I agree. It would certainly be fun. Where is Howe, and how far is it?

You know I've really been thinking about that tree surround of yours...does that place happen to be anywhere near Howe?

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Howe is north of McKinney and I bet Staci knows exactly how far. I drive past the sign on the way to Lake Texoma sometimes. The place I got the tree surround is in Forney, about 30 minutes east of Dallas.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Howe is about 20 miles north of McKinney.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Funny...I went to Sherman a few weeks ago, and never noticed passing Howe...

I guess I just had other things on my mind, lol... Hobby Lobby was having their 1/2 price sale on gardening and wrought iron, and the Sherman store had something the others were out of...guess that was all I could think about, lol...

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Yep, it's the town right before Sherman and they are known for being a speed trap. My DH has gotten two tickets on the stretch from McKinney to Sherman in the last 9 years and both were from Howe police.

Don't you just love Hobby Lobby? They have their Iron Gardnening Stuff on sale again this week. Have you seen the bamboo trellis's they have? They are a wonderful deal at 1/2 off. I got the tall one and it will stretch to cover 10 feet of fence and for only $15

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Yes, I DO love them. I spent $300 there a few weeks ago, and that was after it was already marked 1/2 price.

I'm "not allowed" back there for a while, lol...

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

LOL My Valentines gift from DH was a $250 gift certificate from there. It was two weeks before the move, so he knew I'd use it for stuff for the new house. Needless to say, it's gone.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey you guys I need some help. What is the name of the shade plant that can be used as a ground cover but I have used it in containers, that has light green leaves (I think they are light green with a darker green boder) and small, light purple flowers in the spring and early summer? It is used as an annual here, I believe.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

variegated vinca is the only thing that comes to mind, but I am pretty sure that is not what you are talking about as it is not an annual. Oh wait, what about Dead Nettle - Lamium I think I just found a picture you post where you used that in a container.

Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I knew you would know, Staci. :-) Thanks!

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

I was right? Yay! It was kind of a stab in the dark. I had to go look through some old threads of yours to jog my memory. I am glad I figured it out.

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