Banana Shrubs

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Are your's blooming? Mine started blooming a few days ago, so I'm a happy gardener. I just had to stay right next to it and inhale. This is the Michelia skinneriana that looks wonderful and kept it's leaves all winter. In contrast, my M. Figo is starting it's buds and leaves, it had lost all it's leaves in fall. I have a friend who has the same story, how are your's doing?

I heartily recommend this plant if you love fragrance and a nice evergreen.

Warner Robins, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine started blooming a few weeks ago along with my caladiums.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Wow, it's pretty and smells like babna rum? Yum yum!!

I looked it up in the PF. So it would grow for me in-ground all year? I might have to get this one!

Swainsboro, GA(Zone 8b)

Anyone know how to propagate this? My MIL has one in her yard, so I might have to give it a try.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I can't find a source for it. Looked in the PS and even my fave nursery ForestFarm- which has everything- doesn't have it........(:

Vi, where did you get yours?

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

The michelia figo roots real easy,at least 90%.I take cuttings about 4" long,put them in propagating cold frame,with a mixture of peat moss,40%,and coarse sand 60%.My last batch I used "take root"from walmart,scratched the steam,and dipped in TR,take a pencil,or equevelant to pilot the hole,so as not to rub off the powder,then pack the soil around the cutting.I do not have elaborate cold frames,I made them with 2"x8"lumber,made the top slant to the front and had some old plexie glass,for the tops,you can use poly pro,or the paint drop plastic,just please don't let the sun hit them direct.Good luck,its so satisfying.

I don't have one yet. I can't wait! When we make the side patio, which will be a very narrow, long space I'm going to plant more scented plants. This is one of them!!!

Swainsboro, GA(Zone 8b)

Okay, that sounds easy enough for me to try! Thanks.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

M. skinneriana, is fairly new to the market. I first saw and smelled it at the U of GA Experimental Garden. They were having their plant sale on the hill but you could smell it from the other side of the garden. They told me where to find it, it was 6' tall and about as wide--I had to have it!

To make a long story short, I finally found it at Towaliga Plants for $8 1 gal size-blooming. After the last spring swap, I took everyone down there, and we cleaned them out--theirs was blooming of course and no one could leave without it!

You can probably find the Figo's around, but in my eyes, (and Nose) it's worth the search. Most nurseries have probably never heard of it but John hangs with all the "in" crowd. If you ask for a Banana Shrub, you will probably only have Figo to choose.

I keep telling y'all to come to the swap!!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks so much for the link. I just fired off an email to them- lol!

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

I really hate to tell y'all this, but we went to Towilaga Plants and found only 2 large M. Skinneriana's left :( They don't expect any more in for now, check back in the Fall. The good news is that they will hopefully be going to online online ordering soon. I get to help them get a new website and hosting!

Today, the multitude of different native azaleas blooming was simply incredible. They get all the newest varieties and the prices were still incredible at $8 for a blooming 1 gallon!

You don't find many nursey folks that will tell you about the good and bad qualities of a plant (if you ask), John will! I went with a list of plants to pick up for friends and was often told "it's ok if you want a plant that will live for 2 years, you're better off with this one." Not an upsale--just the truth. I love these folks!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I emailed them requesting one but I never got a response from them.... :(

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for telling me, now you know why they need a new website badly!!

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

You can do it Vi,and maybe lead to more out croping in that line of work,who knows!! I was counting on finding the M skiner at the nursary,but maybe I can find some cuttings from the swap,any one who could spare,would share.I am sure they would root as easy as figo.Mike

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

To anyone interested I have a banana shrub that was a "passalong" so don't know it's name. However, it lives in the full sun with much neglect, got pruned this year by DH ...........ARGH! and still bloomed. It keeps it's leaves throughout the winter.
Anyone that wants cuttings let me know, I'll bring to the plant swap at Dauset Trails.

Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

More than likely m.figo,but who knows,would like some any way ,Thanks Mike

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

I'll post a pic of the banana shrub for you here.

Thumbnail by bugme
Danielsville, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks,I like it .Mike

Warrior, AL(Zone 7b)

Michelia figo shouldn't lose its leaves in the Fall. It sounds like maybe it was drought-stressed??

I don't have the most sensitive nose, but I can't tell that much difference in flower scent between a typical M. figo and M. skinneriana. Both are wonderful!! My largest M. figo is around 9 feet tall - maybe higher and has rapidly outgrown the spot where I planted it near our front porch. I'm stressing over the possibility that I may have to prune this shrub. I'd rather see just how big it can get. I transplanted it from my previous home about three years ago. At that location, it had stayed fairly small - maybe three feet high -- but really took off after I moved it to my new house. The foliage on this M. figo is the darkest green and most attractive of any of my Banana Shrubs. These are like Gardenias and Tea Olives - you never can have too many of them!

Jonesboro, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay, it's official -- I LOVE this place, and I LOVE you guys. Just found this information and I'm thrilled. I grew up with Michelia figo (we knew it as M. fuscata) in Louisiana and I looked it up years ago to see if we could grow it here. Everything I read said no, it's just not cold hardy for my zone. I was visiting back home a few months ago, saw small potted M. figo for sale at the state arboretum, and sadly walked away. I am thrilled to know that M. skinneriana exists, and from everything you guys said, plus what I read at the DG plantfiles, whoooo hoooo, I'm gonna get me a banana shrub! Lots of time until the fall meet up, so Puhleez, can somebody root some M. skinneriana? Again, I LOVE you guys. Sheila

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