don't laugh but newbie news help!!!!!!!!!!

Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

i checked my iris i planted last year yesterday and one has a bloom stalk! the problem is i can feel the huge bud but it is developing inside a leaf! is this normal or a problem? should i cut the leaf to reveal the bud? i have grown iris along time ago but they bloomed before i noticed the bloom stalks. i was so excited to find the first bloom stalk!


Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

No, do not cut the leaf. The development you're feeling inside the fan is perfectly normal. It'll eventually grow out of the leaf and upward until it reaches blooming height.

Sometimes late freezes can cause stalks to stunt, resulting in flowers opening down near ground level. It doesn't happen often, and even if it does happen one year, that doesn't mean the stunting will occur in subsequent years. There's nothing you can do about it one way or the other, anyway.

But again, the bud swelling in the fan that you are feeling now is perfectly normal. Just be patient and let Ma Nature handle things from here.


Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

laurie thanks so so much! we did have a late freeze here. we were in the 70's and up to 80 for about 2 weeks and not cold at night then........cold snap! i bet you are right and this was to blame. thanks again! i am glad to hear this is normal!


Newfoundland, NJ

Bud inside the leaf..made me think.... 'a pregnant iris' :)

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