Bunny Eaten Tops

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi Lily Lovers,
Can someone tell me if the tops of my lilies have been chewed down, will they still flower? The bunnies got to them before I could spray. The spray seems to be working now, I will respray in a week, but some were chewed upon.Thanks for your help....Lesley

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

It's really hard to say ~ it depends on whether they've eaten just the very top leafy part or if they've gotten to the heart of the stem. I guess the only way to know is to grow them out and see. Even if they don't bloom, what does grow will photosynthesize and store energy in the bulb for next year.

Wish I could say 'they'll be fine' ~ heartbreaking, I know.

Louisville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thank you Moby for your fast response. I will just wait and see..Lesley

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Double drat! The bunnies are back. I could just scream. Living quite cozy under my next door neighbors deck. Went to Cub and bought two eight packs of Irish Spring soap. Grated up quite a few bars using my box grater. Scattered it all over the gardens. Do you think I'll get bubbles if it rains?

We'll see. They munched one lily pretty good. I don't think that one will bloom. Most of the damage seems to be to the tulips.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Do let us know how the Irish Spring works out.

Bunnies = evil varmints with life-sucking vampire fangs......

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Double, double drat. I got my order from the Lily Pad and two of the lilies were well along their way and the sprouts broke off. The Lily Pad will send replacements, but what a waste. I've never done this before, but can you plant the bulb scales as a method of propagation? Anyone ever do this? Expensive bulbs too; Midnight and Purple King. I guess I have another research project for next winter.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Here is some info on propagation ~ http://www.landspro.com/page2.htm

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Thanks, Moby, but I wonder what you do after step 4. Have you done this yourself?

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)

Beaker_ch - the very last link on that page gets you to step 5.

I had to look really hard for it.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)


I guess I still have some questions. The more I get into gardening, the more it seems like a renovation project. One thing always leads to another (LOL).

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Sorry, I forgot to mention that there was a 'page 2'. And yes, it is hard to find. I have scaled a few lilies but generally am not too interested in long term projects ~ too many projects going at any given time!

Inanda is a lily diva and does a lot of propagation. She hasn't posted much lately...... Ginni ~ where the heck are ya??

Coast range of, OR(Zone 8b)


Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

Playing Granny in BC. Met the wondrous Cooper who owns Linda, hostess of our Victoria RU last spring. That is what I was doing. Not too much computer time.

Now busily emptying my fridge (potting up bulbs/scales/lilium seeds/planting seeds/running around nurseries to see what is around). Also cleaning terrible rubbish which seems to just appear after the melt finishes. Oh yes, and sandbagging - Red River Rising.

Busy busy time of year. Lily Society SPring Seminar last weekend. Too many wonderful bulbs bought. Did some tissue culture. Seminar speaker was Judith Freeman from The Lily Garden. Great weekend in Neepawa, home of The Lily Nook.

* Cooper = a beautiful black lab puppy.

Picture to whet palates.

Inanda - if you really wanted to know all this.

Thumbnail by inanda
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Always do, dear!

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