broken iris stalk????

Stockbridge, GA

helllo all, first post, came home today and found iris stalk broken at base, 3 blooms, can anything be done? placed stalk in vase of water, hope it will still bloom

Yes. Throw it in water.
I also had the same thing, some insect cut the stem off. Annoying!


Stockbridge, GA

she bloomed, 3 small to medium, but played out early, over 30 buds and blooms, started last year with 5 mature transplants, can not count how many this year, will try to post current pic next week, after i figure out how to, girlgroupgirl, thank you for the response

Stockbridge, GA

trying image post, last year iris, fuji digital camera, white backdrop

Thumbnail by dwarren60

Pretty! I have one similar but just blooming now. She has deep black/velvet petals and then the lighter top. I love purple iris. I have quite a few different ones.
I also love orange irises.
You did great with the photo!! I can see it!


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