Please tell me it isn't so!

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Because I was put on bedrest last July and unable to do any physical labor, my garden was overtaken by grass and various weeds. It looks like tulips are coming up in my lawn, but no, that's all the grass that has invaded the garden! PLEASE tell me that I don't have to pull it all out by hand! Tamara

Thumbnail by zone5girl
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

That looks like bermuda grass.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

You can use roundup, and sooner than later before your plants come up-you can wear a laytex glove and spray your hand and wipe it on the grass around the tulips.

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the info! Tamara


One thing that is new on the market and works like a charm is the Roundup Weed eezy. It is a long tube with a sponge applicator on the end. We had tried everything to get rid of weeds in the flowerbeds and the weeds (in our case, dandelions) were taking over some new flowerbeds. My DH tried burning them with a "Weed Dragon", but that was dicey at best and we ended up with a singed fence and cooked dandelions.

I don't like to use Roundup where the dogs might get into it, but the Weed Eezy puts down a small amount. It is easy to use and as a Senior Citizen (old lady) it has gotten harder to stretch over a bed and pull out a single weed. This tool makes it easier than spraying and it doesn't overspray onto the plants you want to keep.

Good luck with your fight against Bermuda grass! We happily left that in California! : )

San Diego, CA

Bermuda grass is actually very easy to kill. Just get some herbicide with Poast in it. Spray once and it will stop growing. Spray again in a couple of weeks and it kills it. You can use it in ivy, iceplant, and flower beds. Just do a Google search on Poast and you'll find it. The product is sold under different names in different areas. I swear by the stuff.

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