Would like to try a rock garden

Keller, TX(Zone 7b)

I live in Parker County, Texas. I have a lot of land and want to try all sorts of things since I have the room. For my area does anyone have a good book to help me to know how to get started? I don't want the Japanese type of garden, or with a water element. I want to try a few cactus type plants and things lick flock and johnny jump-ups and sedum and whatever else works in that sort of environment.

What book should I start with? Or anyone want to come over and get me started? ((wink))

Welcome to DG!

I'm afraid I'm not able to help you much in a practical way but have you tried the Bookworm here on DG? There's about 20 books already listed for Rock Gardens.

Cincinnati, OH

I must admit I did not know what Xeriscape was when I signed up at Dave's. It sounds like you want a miniature xeri, rather than the usual rock/alpine.


North East England, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

With a lot of land and endless scope you should be able to have a fantastic garden. Good luck!

Central, UT(Zone 5b)

You might also want to check out your local native plant society. This is how I got started. I figured I'd start with plants that I already had a home court advantage with. Once you get an idea of some of the local plants you like, it helps to go out and see where they grow naturally. Then you can try to approximate a similar environment in your gardens. This has been the biggest help for me.

http://www.npsot.org/ Texas Native Plant Society

Then there's alwasy NARGS. They have an excellent book service and should have many of the books that are recommended in Dave's bookworm section.

http://www.nargs.org North American Rock Garden Society

somewhere, PA

I really get a lot of beautiful and inexpensive plants at our NARGS chapter sales!

Keller, TX(Zone 7b)

Awesome info, thanks! I've been busy with Easter and hubby having minor surgery so I'm just now coming back online to check.

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