Located in Arizona

Phoenix, AZ

Hello y'all
I'm in Phoenix, AZ and about 5 years ago purchased several bulbs from Shepards (spellling may be wrong here) on W Orangetree. I have had a bloom from each bulb after 2 years. After about 4 yrs I split the 3 bulbs to 19 individuals and planted them in a bed by themselves. The bed has sunlight from about noon to 6pm ... maybe more hours on the early side of the day during the winter. The bulbs have stalk/leaves anywhere from 6 to 18 inches tall. It is April 1 and I don't see any evidence of a flower appearing. Since I relocated them about 6 months ago do I need to wait "some time" before they bloom? Or might they bloom this Spring? Just wondering? I've been lurking on your site for a coupla months and enjoy the ambience. . - Thank you!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Well, two possibilities come to mind, since sun and overcrowding are not your problems:

First, since you just relocated them 6 months ago, they make take an extra year to bloom for you. Sometimes they take a while to get adjusted.

Second, since you divided the clumps, the rhizomes may be a bit immature yet to give you blooms. They make take an extra year to reach "bloom size".

Hope I've helped.


Sand Springs, OK(Zone 7a)

they hate to be moved , I bought new introductions about 5 years ago no bloom yet

Phoenix, AZ

Yes, you're both confirming my intuition. I know some of the 19 are quite small and I wasn't expecting too much from them. I forgot to mention that when I bought the original 3 Mrs Shepard said that before I plant them in my yard I should remove the roots. I forgot to do that when I transplanted them this second time. Silly, tempermental lovelies. They sure are confirming they don't like to be moved. Thanks for the support and great information. IF they ever bloom I'll post the pics. One is a VERY BLACK Purple and the other is Yellow Fever, very bright dark yellow. Iris are one of my very favorites.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Another thing Aguane is that the iris season in Phoenix has just begun about 2 weeks ago. Some of the irises are early season bloomers, some are mid-season bloomers, and others are late season bloomers. Now - Yellow Fever is a Louisiana (water) iris. Even though it is an early to mid season bloomer - as a rule Louisiana's tend to begin to bloom about the same time when the TB's are in mid to late season (at least here in the Oro valley/Tucson area).

So, my thinking is that you may still be a couple of weeks away from when the Louisiana's begin to bloom in your area. Yet - - if they are only 6-18 inches high that doesn't sound too promising. Possibly if you were to feed them a water soluable fertilizer for acid loving plants ( Miracle Gro makes one), you may still have half a chance of seeing blooms yet this year. I'd try that if I were you - - you have nothing to lose.

If all else fails - - you ought to have gorgeous bloom next spring! :-)

~ Margie

Phoenix, AZ

Wow - thank you Margie. Oro Valley? Is that up by Chino Valley, Dewey? I had no idea the Yellow Fever was a Louisiana. It did pretty well last year in a 2 foot wide pot and got "enough" water I'd guess. Its in the "new " bed with the dark Purple (Black Knight as I remember but not sure).

I purchased these two at Shepard's Iris Farm (now gone, you may know). I am forgetting that their "open to the public viewing" was always the month of APRIL. So maybe there is still time for mine? I hope I hope!!!! I'm encouraged about next Spring but will fertilize now to see what develops. Trouble is my house is for sale and they are in the ground.... will have to start over. I'll take a few of the small rhizomes with me.

Thanks everyone~!!

Crossville, TN

HMMM....I have had mine in the ground for 2 years....and they look like some may bloom for the first time later this month...I HOPE! A friend just came down and fed them some horse poo....and they seem to like it...they look like they have done some real growing this week....Jo

Phoenix, AZ

I was watering this evening and was STUNNED to see a very full bud coming up the middle of the leaves. I think its the yellow iris. It must be one of the more mature rhizomes thriving from the transplant last Spring. I'll post a pic. Margiempv, you were so right on!

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Aguane, I'm so happy for you that you'll be able to enjoy your iris! I'm looking forward to seeing your iris pictures. :-)

Oro Valley, is just north of Tucson, and south of Catalina. Our bloom time is very close to yours. I have Louisiana stalks coming up too. I expect them to be blooming soon. I grow a few Louisiana's in pots too. They seem to do pretty well as long as they are well watered often. Glad to hear you'll be taking some iris with you when you move.

Roadrunner -- I bet yours will be blooming soon too! Spring is sure exciting when these things begin to bloom!! :-)

~ Margie

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