Info please on Cypress Vine.

Drumheller, Canada(Zone 3b)

I picked up a package of seeds on a new vine called Cypress Vine white..It is packaged by Mckenzie and it says it is new but I was wondering if anyone has had it before..
Here is what I am planning on doing...I have a huge Arbour in my front yard that we have a Trumpet Vine growing on so I thought I would put this vine in large pot (So its not competing with the Trumpet Vine) and grow it up the arbour..We get Hummers coming to the Trumpet and this says the Hummers like it to.....So any comments will be appreciated.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

The white vine looks just like the red Cypress Vine, just white. The roots aren't going to compete with the Trumpet Vine but you'll be dealing with the seeds the next year. They reseed heavily and can almost take over. You just have to be diligent about pulling them up if you don't want it to take over.

I grew white and red together last year. I rigged up an "arbor" across 2 shepherd's hooks. They were very thick and really pretty but they got heavy so I had to cut it down, twice. The second time I was just scared of the amount of seeds it was going to produce. I actually haven't seen any coming up yet tho. Hope that doesn't come back to bite me!

Drumheller, Canada(Zone 3b)

Thank you so much for the info...I never thought about it reseeding. I am in zone 3 so I wonder if that will still be a problem...The arbour that I am going to put it on is very heavy so I don't have a problem there...I will have to think about this as I don't know if I want the reseeding problem.

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

I didn't even notice your zone, but I'm not sure that will make a difference. I looked it up in the PlantFiles and the ones that seemed to be ranting about the reseeding were in warmer zones. Is there a forum for your area that maybe you could ask on?

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Here is a link to the Canadian Botanical Conservation Network's site concerning invasive plants. At the bottom of the page are links to their lists.

I will be growing this in zone 6b this year - I don't mind it taking over my property (almost 5 acres), but the lot behind and to the side of us are empty, and I don't want them taking over those acres as well. I think I may plant them in containers close to the house for the first year and see how they act here.

Good luck!

Drumheller, Canada(Zone 3b)

Thanx so much for the info..I have put it on the Canadian Forum so we will see if anyone has tried it..I never thought about reseeding at all..I think I will go ahead and try it as it would look really nice with the Trumpet Honeysuckle.

kmom if you do try it let's compare notes...

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