Plants for sale

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

(All sold out for the season)

Hey Peeps-

I've been doing some spring cleaning and have put together a list of sales plants on my website. No Nepenthes at the moment but some other nice stuff if you're interested.

This message was edited Apr 27, 2006 5:32 AM

Oh my word!

No one will be disappointed if they buy plants from that website.

Holy cow!

The healthiest of the healthiest plants you will ever receive!

No bugs hitch hiking on the plants either!

Impeccable packing. I've never seen a man pack plants the way he packs (this is not a slam to Y chromosomes) but just a comment because I have never ever seen anyone (male or female) pay such attention to detail to ensure the plants look as good on the other end as they did before they went in the box. And I have ordered a lot of plants from nurseries and am in a position to comment.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks for the kudos Lauren. My goodness these plants are just flying out the door. I should mention that the Sarracenia leucophylla I am offering are the biggest plants you will ever receive anywhere for the price. They are worth at least 3 to 5 times what I am offering and are already specimen size. INSTANT gratification. Those of you who have already ordered them will be very pleased. I have lots to go around.

Lauren hurry up and make the weather better there. I can't WAIT for you to see YOUR order. I wish I could be there to see your face. And folks....she has been waiting for these for many months now. Actually...I have another order on hold for a mutual friend of ours that lives in your area. Are you reading this Dode??? You're gonna FREAK when you see your package!!!!!

Ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha.........I have such an evil streak, eh? ;)

Be well.

When I saw that website go up, I contacted a few people. That moranensis 'G' was too tasty and I knew there were two people out there looking for that. That 'Big Red' sounds lush! Speaking of which, how did you come to choose the name 'John Rizzi' for a Sarracenia?

Trust me, I need my weather to get better here. I am certifiably going bonkers. I have noticed buds on trees and shrubs swelling so that's a good sign. The chipmunks have surfaced from hibernation so that's another sign. I think, not positive, that I saw a Turkey Vulture the next county over today. It's a little bit early for them but spring has definitely arrived when they begin to circle. As of today, I have three broken finger nails so that's another harbinger of spring.

Tomorrow my Dad is coming over real early. He's letting me borrrow his brand new pick-up truck so that me and Dode can go drive down south to look at a few trees and shrubs. Those are about all that is safe to buy right now if they've been grown locally. It's not the best fix in the world but it will take the "edge" off until I can get goodies from you. I nnnn nnnn nnneeeed a ffffixxxxxxxxx.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Hang in there kid. It won't be long now. I chose the name John Rizzi because it was John who made the cross. This particular clone won Best Sarracenia at one of the BACPS shows a few years back. It's great stuff. I've made some crosses with it that are blow-your-socks-off awesome.

What kinds of trees and shrubs are you looking to buy?

A mighty fine name it is then! I've grown rather attached to anything sporting the 'John Rizzi' label whether it be plant or person!

Well my friend, I'm in trouble here. The race is on. I've been removing exotic invasive species here at an unparalleled rate. In doing so, I have disturbed the land and we all know what happens when one distrubs the land without planting back. I thought I would be ok until I found out there is one decent sized subdivision going up that will provide each buyer with a "landscape" package. I took a look at the plants they were offering buyers and felt as if they had made their choices from lists of exotic inavasive species. The list had plants on it like European and Japenese Barberry, Burning Bushes, Privet, Bradford Pear, Russian Olive, English Ivy and I could go on but I'm depressed because all of that plant material will volunteer over here sooner or later and you know darn well the new owners will be adding Butterfly Bushes and non native Pachysandra to fill in. I'm going to go out and try to get my hands on as many native species to "test out" as I can plant in a season without unduly interfering with my ability to nurture my CP babies. I'm going to have to add more of species already present on the property and I'm also going to need to go for native ground covers and shrubs. Here's a partial list of some of the types of plants I will be looking at tomorrow-
Juneberry (Amelanchier arborea)
Paw Paw (Asmina triloba)
Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginicus)
Pagoda Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia)
Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana)
Amercian Beech (Fagus grandifolia)
Sour Gum (Nyssa sylvatica)
Ironwood (Ostrya virginiana)
Sassafras (Sassafras albidum)
Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)
Common Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)
Smooth Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens)
Fragrant Sumac (Rhus aromatica)
Meadowsweet (Spirea alba)
Steeple Bush (Spirea tomentosa)
Bladdernut (Staphylea trifolia)
Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)
Coralberry (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus)
Maple Leaf Viburnum (Viburnum acerifolium)
Blackhaw Viburnum (Viburnum prunifolium)

Here's what I'll be looking at next weekend-
American Bugleweed (Lycopus americanus)
Big Leaf Aster (Aster macrophyllus)
Blue Bottle Gentian (Gentiana andrewsii)
Blue Sage (Salvia azurea)
Bunch Berry (Cornus Canadensis)
Bush Clover (Lespedeza capitata)
Canada May Flower (Maianthemum canadense)
Flowering Spurge (Euphorbia corollata)
Partridgeberry (Mitchella repens)
Pearly Everlasting (Anaphilis margaritacea)
Pickeral Weed (Pontaderia cordata)
Rounded Hepatica (Hepatica americana)
Squirrel Corn (Dicentra canadensis)
Trailing Arbutus (Epigaea repens)
Wild Blue Lupine (Lupinus perennis)
White Bottle Gentian (Gentiana alba)
Wine-leaf Potentilla (Potentilla tridentate)
Downy Arrow-wood (Viburnum rafinesquianum)
Dwarf Sandcherry (Prunus pumila)
Hop Hornbeam/Ironwood (Ostrya virginiana)
Jack Pine (Pinus banksiana)
Prairie Red-Root (Ceanothus herbaceous)
Prairie Willow (Salix humilis)
Red Pine (Pinus resinosa)
Roundleaf Juneberry (Amelanchier sanguinea)
Running Serviceberry (Amelanchier stolonifera)
Juneberry (Amelanchier laevis)
Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)
Steeplebush (Spiraea tomentosa)
Sweet Fern (Comptonia peregrine)
Tamarack (Larix laricina)
Witch Hazel (Hammemalis virginiana)
Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris)

You might be familiar with some of these given you used to live in New York and all of these are native plants.

Needless to say, it came as a shocking blow to read the plants the developer would be offering his buyers in their landscape packages. Just when I wanted to play with creating more bogs this year. Figures. All I want to do is play with CPs and grow for the State and County and then play with more CPs and more bogs and this comes and kicks me in the teeth. Makes me want to scream with all the work I've put in here cleaning up. I was talking to Dode on the phone last night about it and I could feel my blood curdling.

Thanks for asking about what I'll be looking at tomorrow. Pretty depressing that I won't be spending that money on CPs isn't it. Oh well, I'll just keep plugging along. Little strokes fell great oaks!

I'm looking (drooling) over Phil's site trying to decide what I can live without. Meanwhile, I have snowberry. It's native here and I generally just let it go and pull it out of areas when I'm ready to plant something else. (Otherwise, my entire backyard could be snowberry. Want me to send you some?

Ohhhhhhhhh, Snowberry. I'd love to take some of yours because they are going to charge me $8 for a plug. I did some checking and your Snowberry wouldn't make it here. I'm zone 5. Different region. Provenance of your Snowberry would doom it if I planted it, it would be dead by next spring and you would have dug it up and broken nails for a lost cause. I need to move I think. Maybe Washington is the place for me. You all seem to be able to grow just about anything. I truly have zone lust at about this time of year. Photos of your yard don't help matters when I look out at mine. Do you realize you have one of the most beautiful yards? Come to think of it, your greenhouse doesn't help matters much either since I've wanted one of those for a while too. Sigh.

We do have a great gardening climate here, I admit it. But the winters make me crazy with the grey skies and rain all the time. I know you get crazy with the snow and cold, too. Maybe we're just people who need more sunshine. I know I am.
So I have a different species of snowberry? That's too bad because I have lots of it. People charge loads for native here, too. It's silly.

Say, Lauren, do they have in your area? Sometimes people who are clearing property advertise their native plants on that website in this area, free for the taking.

I'm still pouring over Philcula's list. I made my list, then had to go back and take almost half of it off. Sigh. Got to have those blackish Sarrs, though. Hope I have enough sun for them.

This message was edited Apr 1, 2006 10:07 AM

There there there Pixie! I feel your pain,

I'm still pouring over Philcula's list. I made my list, then had to go back and take almost half of it off. Sigh. Got to have those blackish Sarrs, though.
Give in, I did. It's futile to fight the urge. Those plants on that list need you.

I just got back from going to The Possibility Place Nursery. I got a few 5 gallon utilitarian goodies to tide me over. I'm feeling much better now.

I did my best. I ordered several different Pings. I fell in love with the small ones, but I ordered only 1. I'll leave some for later. But I did get the 'John Rizzi' and 'Sethos' ping. Plus several of the Sarrs. I gave in enough for right now. I didn't get all of the ones I wanted, but there will be another time. If this were my only addiction, it would help. But I am totally beyond hope in terms of plants. Last year it was the Hydrangeas, and I'm still suffering from that addiction. This year it's the CPs, and the pond plants - I ordered about 14 water lilies this year, plus lotus. I'm going to have to put in water gardens in pots to hold them all. I have to remember I am only 1 person on 3/4 of an acre!!

I forgot to mention that there is no in my area. We do have plant rescues but I've only done a few. By the time you work with a bunch of people for a while digging up and bagging the plants from property slated for developement, the last thing in the world you want to do is bring any of those plants home to plant in your own yard. I do have friends who share with me who live locally and I need to check out something called FreeServe because I did hear that somebody offered native plants last year that were free for the digging. That would be more acceptable to me. I could go and take what interested me and leave. I'll have to ask Dode aobut that. She does FreeServe.

Do you have any Chinese restaurants around you? We have several all you can eat Chinese restaurants here and they receive product in jumbo plastic drums that can be cut in half and used for lotus until you reclaim space. Just a thought.

Hydrangea! I've got a few of those. Not nearly as many as I'd like but I did just order two small 'David Ramsey'. Which reminds me, I need to pick up some aluminum sulfate.

Big question is did you order the blackish Sarrs you needed?

Wauconda, IL

This message was edited Apr 2, 2006 10:39 AM

Wauconda, IL


Ask Equil...I have been talking about the plants since I sent you the money! I can hardly wait! Counting the days..waiting to freak!!! ......and again, thanks SO much. And are evil! LOL! These plants are my birthday present to myself.

Philcula sends out plants that are beautiful, outrageously healthy, bug and disease free, and really, really, REALLY well packed. Anyone who buys his plants is in for a BIG treat!

By the way...I was the co-pilot on Mrs. Toad's wild ride yesterday....Ok, Equil, this is a quiz....what side of the toll plaza are the cash takers on?

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Pixy- Did you order these plants from me because I haven't received an email from you yet reserving them.

Dode...Oh you flatter me so. Thanks for the kudos. It won't be long now.

I did! I sent you the email yesterday. You know, I've had some squirrely things happening with my email program, so I'll go right now and re-send it. Thanks for reserving!

Okay, I've just now resent it - and going back to your website I can see what the shipping charge it, so I'll just total it myself. Sometimes, I can do math. Sometimes, I can send email. YOu never know with me!

This message was edited Apr 3, 2006 12:15 AM

Houston, we have a problem. Just went over the email that my program sent out and found it had sent a DRAFT email - not the final order. Geez! Some kind of karmic energy working against me here! I'm sending out another email with the correct order.

This message was edited Apr 3, 2006 12:18 AM

Okay, I think I got it now. Final email sent. Whew! That was close!

This message was edited Apr 3, 2006 12:33 AM

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Got it, thanks!

Great! Thanks, Phil.
Lauren, yes, of course I ordered the blackish Sarrs! I could absolutely not forego those! I was already tortured at having to choose from so many things. I didn't get any drosera because I am a murderer of many of these. My Binata dichotoma loves me, but that's the limit to my drosera love. The last ones I had developed a hideous grey fungus while I was in california. They were in the wardian case. Guess they didn't like it after awhile. They bit it totally. I have one little straggler left from that pot. I've put it out in the greenhouse in fresh medium. It might like it better there but I can't really be responsible for its fate if it decides to give up. I refuse to feel guilty. My binata loves me and grew a spathulata just for me. And it lives!

Re the lotus and the new CPs, I've begun excavating an area for a bog garden close to the pond. I am also going to go a little deeper and try growing the lotus in its own ground. Bwilliams had a thread that showed how to do this and he grows lots of beautiful lotus. It's easy to do, so I'm game. I'll put the lotus behind the CPs and have my own little slice of heaven, I hope. I'm reclaiming some large pots to grow some of the water lilies in, and maybe the 'baby doll' lotus.

Drumheller, AB(Zone 2a) Canadian shipping.


Egads, poor orkidlady. Here we are all talking about getting fixes in the near future and she's across the border. Poor thing. We can send seed up your way if we declare it for customs. Next fall would you like some seed?

Hey Pixie, wanna hear a good one? I placed my order and I have little or no idea what I'm getting. How about them apples! It'll be like opening up a box of Fannie May chocolates. I can sit here when I open the box and oh and ah and oh and ah picking each one up one at a time. Christmas in May.

About that Wardian case, I love it. Does it have a lid that you could leave open for ventilation? They also have these little clamp fans that might help out. I train small oscillating fans over my seed trays to keep air circulating. Just a thought.

Wow! That would be totally fun, Lauren! Just like getting a Christmas present is right!
The wardian case actually isn't airtight. The neps appear to love it in there. I had 5 plants in there and the drosera was the only one that got the fungus. The neps just put out one pitcher after another.
Okidlady, it is totally unfair that plants can't be shipped to Canada!!!

Do you remember opening up boxes of Fannie May Chocolates and sitting there with all the chocolates not knowing what they were until you stuck your fingernail in the bottom of the chocolate? I know the nut chocolates were easy to spot but the rest weren't. They were all so gooooooooooood that there was almost no point to the exercise of poking the bottom of them. Well, that's sort of what it will be like opening up the box.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Mwa ha ha ha.........I can't WAIT....for you to see this stuff! And if that weren't enough.....wait till Nick sees the VFT he's getting! Mwa ha ha ha haaaaaa........

Wauconda, IL're killin' me!

OOH OOOH! I got Phil's package today and everything was wonderful! I think I am in love with miniature pings! They are so perfect and round!
Thank you a million ways, Phil for the wonderful plants, so carefully packaged and so nicely grown! The only thing is, now that I've had the best, I won't be satisfied with the rest. I'm still reeling about the size of those divisions on the sarrs. I cannot wait until they start pitchering! I've got them potted for now, but they totally deserve their own little bog!

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

I'm glad you like your new babies Pix. Aren't the 2 Ping. esseriana sweet? Wait till you see the flowers on them. The other 3 Pings are still in a winter growth stage and will get much bigger.

You know what? The Sarr. mitcheliana x moorei was the very first Sarracenia hybrid I ever made...10 years ago. It's very special to me and the FIRST time I have ever offered it for sale. I think you may have even bought the last one available. The pitchers will become the color of a fine burgundy wine. I have 'pet' named this clone "Vintner's Jewel". And....and...the alata black throat x flava rubricorpora will be the closest thing you can get to a black pitcher plant but will need full day long sunlight to achieve this color. It's quite stunning!

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy...and thanks for the kudos!


The only thing is, now that I've had the best, I won't be satisfied with the rest.
Welcome to my world! Makes it tough buying anything from other nurseries now doesn't it.

I recently imported Sarracenia and a few VFTs from Australia and although I was very happy, only 3 of the Sarrs that I purchased were in the philcula league. The quality seemed very good but then again I won't know for a while as they're all in my refrigerator for the next 10 weeks because our seasons are flip flopped from Australia. Their packing, although very good, was no where near how Phil packs and the one Ping I ordered will not survive as a result of it getting bounced around and it was too small (the size of a dime and it wasn't in it's winter growth form) to be able to safely take a leaf pull for me to try to propagate it. All in all, I was pleased with my order upon receipt but there is still no comparison to Phil's plants and now some of you know what I mean since you have ordered and received your plants from him. Pretty amazing isn't it!. Bet a few of you thought I was exaggerating! Surprise, I wasn't!

Just out of curiosity, has anyone ever used the Garden Watchdog?

Hey Phil, they're all gone until this coming Sunday so I have been taking advantage of their vacation by ripping Buckthorn saplings and Japanese Honeysuckle out of the ground without being held up at toy gun point by child guerrillas while working- my count for this week is around 150 saplings and about 5 Japanese Honeysuckle but my goal for the year is 1000 Buckthorn and the going is going to get tough as I clear out saplings to make room to get at the big mommas. Bet you don't miss living in NY and having to clean up the ickies and nasties! Nick is really excited about what he's got coming from you. Sheesh, so am I! We bought pots a few months ago in anticipation. He bought deep forest green pots and I bought my standard gray. Nick will be getting a Nep next week and it will be the first to go in his aquarium set up that has been sitting empty for months. That set up is ready to go! He's really excited about putting something in it. The culmination of his planning will pay off here real soon when he gets to flip the switch to the lights.

Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I got my plants this week and freaked when I saw how big they are,
nothing like the tiny ones I got from Logees
Wish I had more money to buy one of everything !!!!!

Thanks soooo much!!!!

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

It was my pleasure. Glad you enjoyed them.

LOL! Philcula, were you jumping up and down and clapping your hands?? I can just see how gleeful you are and I so appreciate that about you!
Yes, oh a million times yes, I absolutely loved the P. esseriana! I have a very nice bonsai pot, a turqoise color, that is a land/sea pot and I am saving that one for the mini pings! The name alone makes me want to pet them! It's possible that instead of a sea, I will do a land/ bog planting, even though I know the pings don't technically live in a bog at all. But we shall see. I will take photos. Perhaps tomorrow I will get to that. It is supposed to be 70 degrees. YEH!!! Now, shall I grow these in the greenhouse all year or set them out in the summer? The pinguiculas, that is. The others have been very happily growing in the greenhouse all winter, but it does tend to get rather hot in the summer. Of course I can keep them out of the sun, but still I worry about them getting dried out in the heat.

I cannot wait to see the pitchers on the sarrs you sent! I have planted them in the new bog (photo later, like tomorrow when the area is finished) and they will get all day sunshine there. The colors will be stunning against the other plants in that area. It's directly by the stream and to the rear is my Gunnera and a New Zealand tree fern. In front of those are some Rheum palmatum v. artrosanguinium and Ricinus communis 'Carmencita'. So there will be lots of reds and pinks along with all the different textures and hues of greens. I cannot wait for it to fill in. We're building a small deck overlooking the pond just in that area.

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

I was told to ask my questions here so here goes. I bought two sarracenia plants last week end. I set them in the basin of a cement fountain filled with rain water. I am concerned that there might be something in it that would harm the plants. Does anyone know if this is true? I would like to put them into something else but need suggestions on how to set this up, what to use and just basic information. Thanks.

Hi Shirley. I'd get them out of the fountain. A simple patio pot large enough to accommodate them placed in a drip tray in full sun should be just fine. You can water these plants with rain water, distilled water, RO, or RO/DI water but no tap or pond water.

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks! I went outside and put them in a plastic cake tray until I can get something else. Fortunately I had a bucket full of rain water from the other day I was saving for them, so I used that to fill the tray. I appreciate the information.

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