Part 2: New Clematis Nursery in the Garden Watchdog!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Part 2 on a new Clematis Nursery. Go to this link to read Part I.

Denver, CO

My friend (with whom I made an order with Debbie) called to say that they arrived and look good. I will pick mine up from her and post a picture, perhaps, tomorrow. (and make a spot for it today...)
K. James

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see what you & your friend received!

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Goodie I hope they got a nice bright blue one from her..We was in the 60's here today and looking where I can put a few more clematis..BTW I bought 4 more trellises they sure need something climbing up them...


Denver, CO

I think my itty-bitty (recently transplanted, $7 steal from Lowe's last fall) 'Elsa Spaeth' has a bud on it. Hot dang, I have Crocus blooming and there is a bud on Elsa. Must be Division II?

Soon, Loretta, we will all look at roses, fences, houses, shrubs, trees, and old cars and see Clematis in our mind...
It has seemd to me that all my friend has wanted recently is bright blue. Being the jerk I am, I talked her into diversifying her colors at this point.

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Mine should be here today.

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

I received my Clematis from Silver Star Vinery. Don't they look great with such a nice root system. They sure don't look like the Clematis pictures I posted in the previous pictures from another company.

Thumbnail by ahelms
Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Yes and we both know what CO....Once I get this mess fixed never again...I was told I have to give it a chance..I'm not houdini here what are they thinking?????
We're having nice weather here I just might have mine delivered earlier...

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

"A picture is always worth a 1,000 words"!!! What a healthy, vigorous and HUGE root system on that baby! Which one is it, Ada?

It's purrr-fect weather for planting, Loretta!

Schererville, IN(Zone 5a)

Shoot.....I keep forgeting to get my money order.....Grrrrrrr. Not used to doing those.....I usually just write a check....

Your roots look great ahelms!!! I am going to have to e-mail Debbie just so she don't think I forgot about her....LOL

Thanks for starting a nes thread.....I have spread the wor

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Lucy, when I placed my order with Debbie I was also at a loss about where to get a money order. I was happy to find out that all the major grocery stores in my area have that service. However, they only take cash, so had to make a stop at the ATM first.

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

As promised, My Clare De Lune, in bud. It is covered from top to bottom. Acouple more weeks of temps like we've been having and I should be able to start posting pictures of blooms.


Thumbnail by gldandrews
Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

One more picture further down on the same plant. Oh by the way Ada, Nice Roots.

Thumbnail by gldandrews
Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Shirley, I think that one was Barbara Dibley. I was so excited, I didn't pay the name much attention until I potted them up

Great looking vine, Gary.

Demstratt, I have several others from that Co. that I'm afraid isn't going to make it. They sure don't look good.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

Gary, how tall is your trellis? Do you like the way your clem. grows in it? I'm in the market for trellis, have ruled out spirals, looking at pyramids like you have.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gary: Such a healthy looking vine that is already to the top of it's climbing structure! WOW!! Those buds look like they are going to burst open any time now.....please keep us updated on 'Claire de Lune'! Do you have her growing in pt-shade or a sunny area?

Ada: 'Barbara Dibley' is a beauty! It's suppose to have large, red or pale purple-violet flowers with a deeper stripe and red-purple anthers.

Gosh, I can't hardly wait for all these wonderful Clematises to start blooming!! Let the show begin!!!!!

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Shirley She gets dabbled sunlight throughout the day. I was afraid at first thinking that would'nt be enough, but for three years now she just get better looking and bigger blooms. I'd say she's happy there!!!

Denver, CO

Just for information, folks. Here is what you get from Bluestone. Another good way to get Clematis, the price is proportionate. It all depends on what the individual needs. This person needed small-root plants, as they are to be planted in areas where larger holes could not be made for a number of reasons, allowing the smaller Clematis to establish into the soil, although taking longer.

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Denver, CO

As promised, Clem. viticella 'Kermesina' from Silver Star Vinery.
K. James

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Shirley HELP...My son cut two of my clematis almost to the ground...I was gonna move them and now I'm afraid to..Do you think they will survive??That's where I was going to put my new ones I ordered from Debbie...I guess he thought he was doing me a favor cause he thought they were dead...


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Kenton: All the baby Clematis vines look healthy, but they are in their infancy. If they have to be planted into the garden when they are that small, amend their hole with small stones for good drainage, lay the baby Clematis vines at a 45 degree angle to encourage a lot of root growth, fill the hole with compost, manure and bone meal. Mulch should be added once the Clematis has been planted to help it from drying out to quickly. Your friend will need to be very vigilant and keep those babies watered, probably daily, if no precipiation is received. Yes, they will grow quickly, but the emphasis should be on establishing multiple strong healthy roots, not flowers. Some flowers will bloom in the 2nd and by the 3rd year of growth, you will have a nice full vine of blossoms. The main thing is to get them well established first! Hopefully, their beautiful flowers will reward her for many years to come.

Loretta: I did answer your question on the other thread. Just keep them well watered and they should be fine. Don't panic. It's just the beginning of their growing season. Which two did he cut back? Do you know their names?

Denver, CO

M friend is religious at keeping things watered, and her planting techniques are more more serious than that! (Including the one scoop soil to two scoops compost... Liberal mulch...) Here, (nobody knows this: the nurseries don't want anyone to know) but our soil has up to 400% the phosphorous necessary, so bone meal is not useful, I'm afraid. She seems to establish other Clematis amazingly fast, I don't doubt that they will all be full-size plants in two years.
Just imagine: Clematis 'Huldine' against the dark violet of 'Autumn Purple" Fraxinus...
And 'Elsa Spaeth' against the carmine fall color of Euonymous alata 'Compacta'...

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

The two he cut are Nellie Moser..I will do as you suggested water well and promise not to look at them as I have been doing seeing if they are dead..I do use bonemeal in all my planting,it seems like it gives it that extra push,and my bulbs thrive in it...


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Kenton: Your friend will definitely need to be religious about keeping those young 'uns well watered. Dried up soil would be the death of them! :~(

I love C. "Huldine" against a dark violet of "Autumn Purple" .............WHAT??? Do tell what is "Faxinus"????? C. "Elsa Spath" will look stunning with Euonymous alata " Compacta"! Do you have pictures to show us of Faxinus and the Euonymous???

Loretta: "Nellie Moser" is a real trooper! Just keep her watered and she will sprout back up. It would be a good idea to take a picture of your severely pruned Clems and when they sprout back up, we can all cheer them on!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Oops, almost forgot Kenton, your Clem. viticella 'Kermesina' roots look terrific! A nice big hardy clump of them....but I knew they would! ;~))

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

HELP!!! My Lemon Chiffon buds are opening prematurally, very tiny petals with normal sized centers, Any clues as to what may be happening. Wont' be able to get pics til wednesday but will post some for you to take a gander at.

Thanks, Gary

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Voss, I'm sorry. I missed your question about the trellis. It's 5 ft tall. I do like the way the clematis climbs on it. Most all of the buds find there way to the outside of vine and when it blooms you can barely see the vine itself.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gary: Maybe some of the buds are opening prematurely because of the warmer weather we've been having. It will be interesting to see if they will open fully or get zapped by a cold snap. That's always a chance you take when they open a bit earlier than they are suppose to. Definitely post pictures when you have them available.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

thanks Gary. I like the way it looks in your pic.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh my Gary cover those babies up...You don't want to be crying like I am after my son chopped two of mine to the ground thinking they were dead...
Have you order any from Debbie yet??Once hers arrive I'll stop crying... :o)))


Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)


I have ordered from Debbie and must say her's are the BEST! The Princess Diana I received about 10 days ago is growing like crazy!!
Have two Harukee on the way. The Harukee is a rambler that if left alone to ramble through the garden become a real show stopper. It's a group 3 so with a hard prune it cleans up very well and starts the show all over the following year.
Sorry to hear of your Clematis horror, but I do believe that they will come back. So not to worry.


Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

All my Clematis from Debbie (Silver Star) is growing great.I should receive another order from her tomorrow.We're supposed to get down to the low thirties tonight but warm back up afterwards.

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

Glad to hear you got the Princess Di and she's doing great..I ordered her and Prince Charles from Debbie...I gotta look up that Harukee I sure could use a few more...
I know my son feels bad he was just trying to help...He knows how much I love my flowers and wants to buy me two more...Thanks for your concern..!! ;o)


Denver, CO

I was typing too fast: Fraxinus, Ash tree.
I'll be sure to get pictures. Teh 'Elsa Spaeth' with the eunymous i splanted and growing, so pictures will come next fall as the Euonymus goes into color.

This is where she'll be planting 'Huldine' to go up the tree. It is her understanding that 'Huldine' likes heat- which we have in abundance here. (Now you can see why a small plant was in order.)
K. James

Thumbnail by ineedacupoftea
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks Kenton! Can you tell that I didn't know the Latin botanical name for Ash tree?! Yes, 'Huldine' will look stunning against the dark purple Ash leaves. 'Huldine' is especially noted for her reverse side, where you can see her dark colored "ribs" through her white flowers. Thanks for the picture. Your friend has a lovely garden and I can't wait to see it when the Clematis are in bloom!

Denver, CO

She always amazes me.

I just wanted to clarify for anyone else- My example is a fairly rare exeption to how you usually want to go with Clematis, as described by our friendly and helpful resident Clematophile. I just want to thank her (Shirley) for that help she provides to us for such a fun genus.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Yes, I truly am a totally addicted Clematophile...with NO recovery in sight!! :~)

Thanks for the kudos, Kenton!

Lincoln Park, MI(Zone 5a)

My two clematis are growing back it looks like to me even thicker,lots of green on them now...


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

YEAH!!! Please take pictures Loretta and post them so we can see.

Andrews, NC(Zone 6a)

Loretta, so glad to hear that your babies are doing better than before. Yipee.

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