Some kind of night time digger is driving me nuts!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Something is digging in my flowerbeds. I think it happens at night. I thought it was a javalina(little wild hog), but I'm not sure. It might be an armadillo. Do raccoons dig in flowerbeds? It roots around in my nice loose garden soil and uproots my stuff. It might have eaten some gingers, I can't find all of them. It doesn't turn over the flowerpots that are sitting here and there in the beds, that's why I think its not a javalina.
I wonder if I replant my gingers and other stuff, place chicken wire on top of the soil and secure it around the edges will it deter whatever is digging? Will the spaces in the wire be big enough for gingers to grow thru?
I think they are eating my earthworms that I've worked so hard to get! Now that makes me mad.
I don't have a grub problem, I rarely find grubs in my soil when I dig.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

cala, we had raccoons dig up the yard in the Keys, here it's armadillos. i think chicken wire would be a help and i think most plants would pop through okay. it could even be a skunk or an opossum. they all eat worms, etc. do you have some flood lights outside that you could turn on for a couple of nights? sometimes a night beastie will get discouraged with the lights and move on. just a thought. debi

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I have all the critters you mention!
The digger struck again last night. My poor gingers don't stand a chance and neither do my LA iris.
I also had fat raccoons raid my birdfeeder last night. I caught them in the act. The fat pigs. It is on a big wooden pole, don't know how they got up there, but I guess they can climb pretty good. I need to tie Bleu out there, but he'd cry all night.
I will turn the flood lights on and see if that will discourage them.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Calalily, I drove myself nuts trying to figure out what was eating half of my lower tomatoes. So I used a live trap to catch the varmet!! That way I would know how to deal with it. (Biggest problems here are deer, raccoon, moles, chipmunks and opossum). I baited it with a half eaten tomato that they left on my plant.

In the morning... well one morning it was a raccoon and a few days later it was a opossum with 4 babies on her. (I let both of them out after I made them stay in the garden with me and listen to me talk to them for a few hours!!)

Now that I knew who was eating my tomatoes I made a deterrent, I put out our left overs by the garden for them to eat or a dish of dog or cat food. It seemed to really cut down on the damage.
(unless it was all the talking that I did to them when they were trapped!!)

I raised a raccoon from a baby and know that they love cat and dog food, meat, and well my pet raccoon favorite food was Cheetos!!! They will take that over a Tomato any day!!

The only other thing would be putting a BIG dog out close to your garden.

One other thingI do..... to keep the deer away, I ran a speaker out to my garden from our stereo and put it on a talk show all night!! It is a national talk show... "Truckin Bozo" !!! The Deer Hate him!!

Hope some of this helps!!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I tried to start a compost pile. No scraps ever lasted more than one night!
I should have kept my haveaheart trap. I will try the flood lights and the radio. At least the houses are not too close together in our neighborhood, so it won't bother the neighbors.
I haven't had deer bother anything yet. We are close to the wildlife refuge, so no telling what is out there. I find all kinds of tracks in the mud along the edge of the water.
Thanks everyone for helping!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I don't know if the animals are still invading your plants, but if they are and you are still looking for suggestions, I have had good luck with that supple plastic deer fence. When I had rabbits eating the pansies, I just sort of laid it around the edges of the pallets-puffed it up a bit, so it didin't lay flat. The rabbits and deer don't like walking in it because it gets caught up in their paws?/hoofs. You could also lay it over the plants-same idea, they don't like dealing with it. Also, and I know this is gross, but dog poop right at the base of the plants, where they stick their noses to root around. This has worked well for me on the pansy beds for deer-they really don't like the smell of it on their food. Maybe worth a try. I am a gagger though-I have to be really mad at the deer to deal with the poop-lol

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

They are still digging, I've decided it is either o'possums or an armadillo.
I moved part of the plants to another area. I don't want to use anything that would look funny because this is the flowerbed in front of my driveway, so I will probably use chicken wire on top of the ground.
I'd thought of dog poo, but didn't want to smell it, lol.

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