WOOO HOOO Who Let The Plants Out?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm visualizing my lawn with a sign that say: AKA The Hole-y Yard. LOL Seriously...I 'd just decided that I was probably going to put any Plumeria I had rooted in the ground and now I'm thinking hmmm, another one in the ground....ha!! I'll just dig em' up and fill em' w/stone...mercy if my neighbor was "concerned" about the lower part of the yard be a cactus garden can't imagine what she'll think/say when the top 1/2 is the Tropical garden...LOL Now THAT'S funny!! This in a townhouse yard...omg, truly too funny!!! What type of lighting do they like, Nan?

SW, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm imagining all those holes with little piles of dirt waiting to be dumped back in after you dig up!

They like anywhere from part shade to full sun.

Mine that have done the best have direct morning sun and shade during the hottest part of the day.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Hmmm....maybe their lighting need will end up sparing my yard a hole or two...LOL. Looks like my back deck would be the perfect place for those. There'a novel idea...something pretty behind my house...LOL. I tend to ignore my deck & back yard as that's where the beasts (aka 3 dogs) go to do their business. Lovely thought eh?

Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

Well Y'all i took a pic of my front porch after i took some of my houseplants outta the house, they seem to love it there....If i only had some more room for some others...i think that the rocker is gonna have to go...lol and if I did not sit on the porch swing it would be outta there to... I think i am gonna hand my wondering jews and creeping charlies from the eve of the house....


Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Lilesville, NC(Zone 7b)

And just had to throw this one in... This is a coat rack that i found at a thrift shop for $5, since we are not needing to use it in the summer i decided to use for a plant rack....cool huh??


I did water the plants after the pic and they spruced right up..guess i should of watered them before huh... :o)

Thumbnail by red_princess_71
Roopville, GA(Zone 7b)

to neat of an idea! i need something to hang my morning glories growing in pots on and i need to go find a coat rack lol. i don't want to have to pay a lot for something to hang them on.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Great ideas!!! Love it!!

Davenport, IA

You're so lucky you all can put your plants outside. The squirrels have a hay day when I do that. I'm going to try cinnamon this year to prevent it. Any one ever try this before? I hope it will work.

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