I am being invaded.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

My neighbor has IVY next to our common fence. It is breaking down the fence to get into my yard. I caught it going up my 30 year old bougainvillea trunk!! It is coming over, under and thru the fence.
I have used 2 kinds of Round Up and another brand on it and I get maybe 1 or 2 dead leaves, it doesn't even faze it. It keeps on coming even though I keep having to go back there and cut it off.

Here are 3 pictures of it coming over.

Anyone know what I can use on it?? It is rooting as it touches the ground.

Thumbnail by Kell

You might want to consider taking more photos and stopping in with your photos to a Village Meeting to ask what they suggest. Other than that, please contact the people here-

The waxy leaves make herbicide applications tough but not impossible. The base of the plants are over on your neighbor's property that you don't have access to which is going to pose somewhat of a stumbling block.

Wauconda, IL

Mix a little dish-soap and fertiliser with that Round-up.

Sultan, WA(Zone 8a)

My mother's method for bindweed and virginia creeper was to snip off the end of the vine where she could find it and stick it through a small X cut in the lid of a yogurt container. Fill the yogurt container with a puddle of roundup and put the lid on so the vine is submerged in the fluid. It ends up wicking the poison into the plant and makes it easier to free plants that have become ensnared. I don't know if it will work on ivy. But I don't see why not.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks all. I will try it all. If it sneaks by me, I will be in big trouble.


My mother's method for bindweed and virginia creeper was to snip off the end of the vine where she could find it and stick it through a small X cut in the lid of a yogurt container. Fill the yogurt container with a puddle of roundup and put the lid on so the vine is submerged in the fluid. It ends up wicking the poison into the plant and makes it easier to free plants that have become ensnared.
I'm going to try that on something. What that something is I don't quite know but I will remember this and I certainly have enough yogurt cups around here.

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 6a)

Instead of the yogurt lid that will abosrbed into the air I have used ziplock baggies - round up in the bag shove in morning glory and zip up as much as possible that way round up does not evaporate into thin air

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I really need to try this for I was out there yesterday and it is really taking off with all this rain. My luck all my other plants will rot in this weather but the ivy will take over my yard and house.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I would be careful. If you kill your neighbors plant you may have to pay them damages. Though, if it invaded your area I don't know if they have any recourse.

I have a neighbor who leaned over my fence and started cutting off branches of one of my trees. It wasn't even reaching into his yard. I rushed out and asked him what he was doing. He said that it cast too much shade in his yard. I told him that if he did that again, I would have no problem suing him for the cost of the tree and damage to my yard and calling the police for tresspassing. He hasn't touched it since.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

I have done that trick with bindweed--just coil up the vine and stick it in a bowl of tricyclopir--killer.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I'm gonna have to try that with a particularly vicious bindweed that's become infested in a mostly-mulched landscape bed full of bigger shrubs. Thanks for the tip!

West Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Would this method work on wild blackberries? I love the berries, but not in each and every location that they have chosen to grow in.

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Mobi, I do not think anything can kill this ivy. LOL. My neighbors are very nice, we have a great relationship. I doubt they even know what is in their yard, they are not gardners. I give them lots of plants I get but just do not have room for. I think I may ask them if I can just come over and try to dig this ivy out for it is like iron! Invincible. And it keeps coming.

(Zone 6a)

After reading this thread, I'm certainly going to move the ivy in my garden to a tougher location and get it out of my good garden while it's still young!!!
I hope you can manage to get rid of yours Kell!


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

We are in the process of getting rid of all the English ivy on our property (ALOT!) I think the only way to do is pull, pull, and cut at the base of trees it has climbed. It is going to be unsightly for several years but think it is the only way when you have so much of it. I would not move it to another place...just get rid of it altogether.

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