County Roscommon, Ireland(Zone 8a)

Acacia pendula (10 seeds) (1 trade)
Acacia Rubida (10 seeds) (2 trades)
Acer mono (10 seeds)
Agapanthus Alba Mix (10 seeds)
Aloe broomii ‘Berg Alwyn’ (few seeds)
Amorpha fruticosa (4 trades)
Amsonia elliptica (10 seeds)
Andropogon Gerardi (Big Bluestem) (4 trades)
Arthropodium cirratum (4 trades)
Asarina Mystic Rose (1 trade)
Asimina triloba (Pawpaw) (4 large seeds)
Astilbe chinensis v. Davidii (1 trade)
Baptisia australis (3 trades)
Baptisia tinctoria (yellow) (1 trade)
Caesalpinia gilliesii (10 seeds)
Callistemon citrinus ‘Splendens’ (few seeds)
Canna yellow (unknown from France) (5 seeds) (2 trades)
Carya illinoinensis (Pecan Tree) (5 very large seeds)
Cassia Alata (1 trade)
Cornus capitata (few seeds)
Cosmos Sensation (3 trades)
Datisca Cannabina (1 trade)
Desmanthus illinoensis (4 trades)
Eupatorium purpureum (1 trade)
Firmiana simplex (3 large seeds)
Idesia polycarpa (1 trade)
Indigofera pseudotinctoria (3 trades)
Jubaea chilensis (Chilean Wine Palm) (4 very large seeds)
Lobelia vedrariensis (gerardii) (1 trade)
Luffa cylindrica (2 seeds)
Maurandya ‘Magic Dragon’ (few seeds)
Mimosa pudica (sensitive plant) (1trade)
Nelumbo (water lotus) (5 large seeds)
Nolina longifolia (2 trades)
Phacelia procera (2 trades)
Phormium tenax variegata (2 trades)
Physostegia virginiana
Phytolacca americana ‘Silberstein’ (2 trades)
Phytolacca insularis (1 trade)
Podophyllum emodi (1 trade)
Podranea ricasoliana (4 trades)
Polemonium pauciflorum ‘silverleaf form’ (10 seeds)
Rhus chirindensis (10 seeds)
Rhus pendulina (10 seeds)
Rhus sekhukhuniensis (10 seeds)
Ricinus ‘Red Spire’ (1 trade)
Sisyrinchium angustifolia (2 trades)
Sphaeralcea coccinea (2 trades)
Stevia rebaudiana (few seeds)
Valeriana ocreana (1 trade)
Veratrum nigrum (2 trades)
Veronica grandis (1 trade)


Seeds or cuttings of the following:

Acers (snakebarks)(fresh seeds only)
Acradenia frankliniae
Ailanthus altissima or giraldii
Aloe Polyphylla
Berberidopsis corallina (coral vine)
Calycanthus occidentalis (allspice)
Cecropia palmata (snakewood tree)
Chionanthus retusus (chinese fringe tree)
Colquhounia coccinea
Hamelia patens (rat poison plant)
Helleborus (fresh seed only)
Iris (rhizomes)
Justicia suberecta
Leptospermum (tea tree)
Paris quadrifolia
Picea breweriana
Pinellia cordata
Pinellia pedatisecta
Pinellia tripartita
Sandersonia (christmas bells)
Sarmienta scandens
Schefflera taiwaniana
Stewartia pseudocamellia
Trevesia palmata
Wollemia (pine)

I also love variegated plants.
Of course I am always open to temptation - my main interests are exotics, foliage and anything unusual. Please don't be offended if I refuse, it's just that I'm getting choosy in my old age! I have posted this on the International Seed forum.

All the best


This message was edited Apr 4, 2006 8:04 PM

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Well, let me find out if I have something new to offer you LOL! Do not give away Vestia foetida and Abutilon x ‘Suntense’ until then LOL!

Tandil, Argentina(Zone 10b)

Hey Sue! It's me! Gus again!
Listen, you can count on me with the Manihot grahamii seeds. How many do you want? Perhaps you could send me those ten maple seeds you have and I can send you ten of my Manihot seeds. Does it sound fair I don't know! You tell me! It's the first time I do something like this. I'll take a look on Dave's GardenData Base to learn more about the plants you have on your list. If I see something that I like, perhaps I'll ask for more!
Take care.

County Roscommon, Ireland(Zone 8a)

Gus you have D-mail.


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