Japanese Beetles

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

It's almost spring,
Unfortunately with that is my most hated pest! Japanese Beetles.
Since it was a bit sunny here they are out already trying to eat roses and
other things.I put out triazicide(spelling) all aorund the garden . Yesterdayday there were at least 50 beetles floating on their backs in my pool dead.I wonder if that will do the trick for the summer or should I still appply more triazicide in a few months? Thanks.

Frankfort, KY

Have your yard treated for grubs. These grubs mature into Japanese Beetles and attract moles which feed on them.

Wauconda, IL

Triazide must be applied at the times the grubs are feeding, otherwise you are wasting chemicals and needlessly putting a nasty chemical that also kills beneficial insects into the environment. In your zone, you should be applying it now, which you are. Congrats! Most people put it down indiscriminately.

May I suggest Milky Spore instead? Works year round. It's a natural grubicide, and works really well. Unfortunately, you will also kill the grubs of fireflies. And take away the main food source of skunks, who like their grubs. I only mention this because both skunks and fireflies are getting more and more rare in my area! I am lucky in that the voles don't bother my plants much, and it may be because my yard has plenty of grubs? I don't treat for grubs. I have lots of fireflies, but Rte. 12 seems to take care of the skunks, unfortunately.

Safer's Soap also works nicely on the larvae of the Japanese Beetle. So does knocking the adults into a pot of hot, soapy water.

You know...I never had J. Beetles in my yard until I planted an heirloom rose a friend of mine gave me. The rose is going away this year.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

A quick shot of pyrethrum on adult beetles kills them. When we lived in TN, I used to keep a sprayer handy and when I saw them eating my roses I'd spray them. It was kind of fun to watch them flop over on their backs and die!
Thankfully we don't have them in south Texas yet.

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank You! Daves garden members ae so informative.Callalily Kyjoy,dodacatheon appreciate the help.

Yes dodacatheon, I have milky spore that I ordered from Amazon.I didn't put it down yet. It is so windy I have to find something to cover my eyes so it doesn't fly in my face.
It is going to rain tomorrow so I think I have to wait to apppply the milky spore?

You might want to check out Bacillus popilliae and see if it is available to homeowners. It's target specific and will not kill any of the beneficial "grubs" in your lawn. It would be easy to use and would have residual properties.

This is what I have used- http://www.byebyebeetle.com/ByeByehome/traps.sv
I put up quite a few. They work well, too well in fact. You will need to clean the traps every few days.

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

Is this a grub of the Japanese Beetle? I have several of these in pools of water next to the annual primroses today after the rain. They are about two inches long.



Thumbnail by CBernard
Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

Two inches seems a bit large for a Japanese beetle larva, but it could be a related scarab beetle. Anyone else know for sure?

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