Spray or water with liquid seaweed?

Port Lavaca, TX(Zone 9a)

I'm confused- which is a normal state for me:^) Should I apply liquid seaweed to the foliage by spraying with a garden sprayer or use a watering can with a sprinkler head? I just got some and used the watering can method, then read about spraying it on. Won't it clog a sprayer? Help!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

You're diluting it at the recommended rate, right? It shouldn't clog, in that case. I do take care to rinse the sprayer well afterwards, as I think it probably wouldn't dry very nicely. :) Yes, we use a garden sprayer.

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Seems like I'm always putting my two cents in right after Zeppy. I've used it in both a watering can and a hose end sprayer and in a pressure sprayer. Just dilute it and you should be fine. Your plants will love it.

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

roseone33, do you find different results by using it differently? I would think using a watering can would get more of the seaweed into the soil, as opposed to a sprayer, which is more of a foliar feed.

I usually use the seaweed as a foliar feed, and bought a small sprayer to use it this way. But I've been wondering also if I should use a watering can to use it more as a soil feed. I often read that foliar feeding doesn't do much for plants, and quite frankly, I don't know who to believe, lol!

barbur, I've never had a problem with clogging.


Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I think you're right. A good soil drench is certainly going to benefit the roots more, and thereby make the rest of the plant happier. I am not in any way a scientific gardener, I don't keep any records and do my garden chores in a very random fashion, so I have no comparisions to offer. :-)

Port Lavaca, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for your input. I HATE using a garden sprayer. They most often don't work right for me. So I think I'll use the watering can.

Ffld County, CT(Zone 6b)

I forgot to add that one reason why I persist in using the seaweed as a foliar feed instead of using a watering can, is that I'm cheap, lol! The seaweed goes a lot farther as a foliar spray, and since it can be expensive, I like to get my money's worth. Of course, on the other hand, if using a watering can and getting it right to the roots would work better, I guess that would be more cost-effective. Oh boy, just call me the wishy-washy gardener, lol!


Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

A lot can get wasted in the soil drench. I like to do it when things are a bit dry, and in this clay soil that retains liquid well, maybe it doesn't *all* drain away.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I do both, mainly use it as a foliar spray (and yes, it does benefit the plant as a foliar spray when used at the proper time) and also if there is any left over in the sprayer I'll pour it at the base of a plant or two.

It's also great to use when setting out plants; dip their roots in it before you stick them in the planting hole or you can use it to water the plants in. It really helps to get them off to a good start and reduce any transplant shock.

As for foliar spraying, it is a great "pick-me-up" for plants that look a little sickly or are under stress (for whatever reason). Spray it during early morning or late afternoon when the stomata (leaf "pores" on the undersides of the leaves of most plants) (some plants have stomata on the upper side as well) are open. Spraying at this time of day allows the plants to readily utilize the nutrients in the liquid and allows bypassing the root system. Your plants will thank you for it!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Good info Horseshoe. Thanks.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

You're welcome. Happy Gardening!
(Gonna be a nice 70+ degree day here today! Gotta be out in it!) :>)

Port Lavaca, TX(Zone 9a)

Horseshoe, I hate to be so technical but what do you mean by early morning? I ride my bike from 8-8:45. Can I spray after that or does it need to be done before then. Out of curiousity, what triggers the stomata to open? Thank you.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy barbur...without going into too much technical details, basically the stomata will open/be receptive when daylight first hits them. They will stay open for a period of time and that will depend on the temperature and respiration/transpiration. (When the plant feels the need to slow down transpiration it will close the stomata in an effort to conserve moisture within itself.) Again, this could be due to high temps, direct/bright sunlight, but is most often due to insufficient soil water/dry soil. You might witness this at mid-day, or if it is an extremely hot day with low humidity then as early as mid-morning.

In the afternoon, as the sun sinks lower, temperatures drop a bit, and capillary action is easier, the stomata will feel safe and open again for a while before complete dark arrives, where-upon they will go off-duty and close down for the night. This is one reason why you may see plants looking wilted during the day but yet will once again stand to attention towards evening; the opening of the stomata will cause them to be more upright. And it gets even better...plants will determine on their own not just when to open their stomata but also how many stomata they need to properly function.

So...in answer to your question, when you return from your bike ride, if your plants are drooping it could be a sign of lack soil moisture and the stomata are closed. (If so, it would be best to water the soil if you feel the need.) If the plants are still turgid/upright, spray 'em, they'll be receptive!

Hope this is helpful and understandable.

Happy Bike Riding! (I have a 21-speed that really needs to get used more often!)

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

OUCH! riding a bike without any shoes???

Port Lavaca, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Horseshoe, That is very helpful. Isn't it amazing what goes on with a plant. I am so awed by the cycles of nature, the short cycles like you described and then the long cycle of seasons--each plant having its own cycle.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Yep...me too. It's a wunnerful world, eh!? Ya gotta love it!

(Now, T-Faye, my bike pedals only "massage" my tough feet...makes giggle and smile with each bit of pedaling!)


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