Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

About 30 years ago my mother, God rest her soul, gave me a recipe for a home made plant spray that includes epson salts, iron and zinc cholride. I never used it - but now I want to. Unfortunately I am having problems finding the zinc and she isn't here to ask. Does anyone know where to find it?


Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

tfl, there is a supplier, they have zinc nitrate & zinc phosphate in 100 gram plus lots. lol hostajim1

Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks! I will check them out.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

the above url does not work, which led me to do some research on zinc PLEASE READ , ,

pls be careful if u are going to use zinc. it is NOT organic at all!

Sultan, WA(Zone 8a)

The first link you provided is for a pesticide, zinc phosphide, which is used on small animals. The second is for zinc borate, a fungicide. The third is also on Zinc phosphide.

These compounds are not at all related in purpose to Zinc CHLORIDE, which is what is being sought after. Is is basically a salt (in fact the salt that chlorine bleach breaks down into) and is used as a flux for sodering (that is the use I am familiar with anyway). I think you can use it on moss as well in a solution

It may nor be "organic" but it is safe in careful applications. It is used in canned goods to help the food retain its color. It is used in salves for the skin and in dietary supplements

Deer Park, TX(Zone 9a)


Thanks so much for the clarification.


Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Zinc Gluconate is a pill you could use from a health food/drug store. But what ZN does is unclear to me. Let us know which Zn source is the best or does it all kill the plants. Hee Hee.

Sultan, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm unsure what the purpose behind putting zinc chloride in a spray for house plants is. But if it works, it works!

Zinc Sulfate is another zinc compound that is safe for consumption and can be readily found in the suppliment section. I can't recommend a substitute, I don't understand its purpose in the solution that is being described.

We need ourselves a chemist!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Zinc in animals is helpful to produce healthy skin and to prevent excessive build up. It helps prevent dandruff in dogs. Who knows what it does in plants. I have never seen a zn defficiency in any soils. Mg, Iron, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Potassium, Phosphorous, all have areas that are defficient.

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