Pandorea jasminoides

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

I was thinking about buying one of these vines and wondered if anybody had experience with growing them? Do they bloom the first year? Mine would be coming in a 2.5" pot, so I assume quite young. Was going to get it now and grow it out in the greenhouse for awhile. How long do they grow in the summer season (constantly?) and do they really smell good? lol thats the important part. Thanks

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I didn't know they were fragrant. I'll have to go out and smell mine, they're blooming now.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I have variegated P. jasminoides - have had it for about 5 years and it's in a 3-gallon pot - has bloomed ONLY ONE time and mine had no fragrance.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Mine is in the ground, no fragrance and a rare bloomer even here in southwest GA.


Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Well...this seems like a possible dud to me. Thanks everyone for responding. Even though it says that it has a fragrance-if Calalily hasn't even noticed it, it must not be very strong lol. It is supposed to start easily from seed and grow fast so maybe I will do it that way. I did read that it needs full sun,

Larkie is yours in full sun?

Kayjones, I wonder if the varigation is whats slowing down the blooming? Not as strong a plant as the green variation?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Tiger, I don't know - I've tried it in full sun and light shade and tried NOT fertilizing it and tried fertilizing it - it's a good thing the foliage is pretty or it would be so gone!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Whew, the adventures I have just to sniff a flower:
I got my flashlight and went out in the yard to see if the pandorea has a fragrance at night. I couldn't take Bleu with me because he chases the flashlight beam. The vines are on the fence, the pink one is over in an overgrown corner. Something ran across the yard right past my feet, gave me a good scare. I was thinking raccoon, but it was the neighbor's cat. I scared it as bad as it scared me. No scent whatsoever on the pandorea.
This morning I go out with my coffee to sniff the vines in the daylight. I reached up and pulled a cluster of pink flowers down, no scent. I moved on to the white one, pulled a cluster of flowers down to sniff..........big bumblebee in the flower, spilled my coffee and stepped in the mud where I'd watered the garden. That mud was squishy and cold between my toes! No scent on the white one either.
I have a pink one planted in mostly sun, dappled shade in the afternoon.I have two white ones, one in full sun all day, one in part shade in the afternoon. The ones in part shade are greener. They all flower most heavily in spring and off and on in the summer. They get watered pretty regularly and get rabbit manure in spring.
I have another pink one in full shade, no flowers in two years.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

lol that was an adventure Calalily! Nature sometimes gives us surprises we aren't ready for-I remember picking up some flats and there is a snake all curled up-man did I freak out.
Another time I was cutting back some dried up lantana and I hear this rattling noise (and no, we don;t have rattlesnakes here) as I am pulling on these dried branches. I stop and listen and then nothing, so I continue, then hear the noise again....and then I see this huge copperhead whipping his tail against the branches 4" from where my hand was, and he is all curled up ready to strike with his little tongue hanging out! He was so well camoflauged (sp) I cannot tell you how fast I ran lol right into the house. I was so close to him!!
My two sons came out to get rid of it, and it took them about 4 min to see him, even with me pointing him out. I hate that kind of adrenaline rush, so I sympathize with you Calalily. The dark makes it worse.

Well, does anyone have a suggestion as to a vine that I can grow on my deck and have it bloom fairly consistently and smell good too? I have moonflower and confederate jasmine, but would like to try a few more.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Tigerlily, I would have died right there!
Jasmine Maid of Orleans is very fragrant and flowers off and on all year round. Jasminum nitidum/Pinwheel Jasmine flowers constantly and is lightly fragrant. I don't think either of those would be hardy for you though.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Calalily, they probably are not, but I can bring them into the greenhouse or into the house, I have a great sunny area by these 2french doors that gets lots of sun. Am keeping an olive tree there now-actually got a few olives on it last summer lol they didn't ripen thou-so no olive oil for me.
My stephenotis, that I grew from seed, ( talk about patience-of which I have none) bloomed last summer.
Will get some jasmine, a girl can't have enough of it anyway!

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

my pandorea is white with the red eye, bloomed for me the first year, but not much as it got less than 6 hrs sunshine. I am moving it this year to a sunnier location. Wouldn't count on it for fragrance.

Sour Lake, TX(Zone 9a)

My pandorea is pink with red eye and is blooming now and has NO scent
at all, wished it did.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks everyone...its amazing how alluring they present these plants in the catalogue! I am so glad that I asked everyone.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I think I know why the nursery said the vine was fragrant. Are you sure it was pandorea and not PODRANEA? My podranea is blooming and is fragrant, it smells like cotton candy. I know some people only get flowers in the fall from this vine, but mine flowers almost year round.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

that was a good thought-weird that this vine is so close in spelling to the pandorea jasminoides-and that yours is fragrant...but I looked at my notes and it is pandorea. Now I am thinking about yours! Thanks.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I saw that it was blooming yesterday while watering and decided to see if it was fragrant. I was surprised.
I've tried to root cuttings, no success yet, but I'll try again.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

try the spagnum! Thanks also for your info on nurseries

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I put some in sphagnum, but the cover came off the box and they got a little dry. I will try again.

San Jose, CA

i grew some pandorea jasminoides from seed some years ago. i had kept it in a pot and they flowered around may in my area. then that was it. no flowers the rest of the year. no fragrance either. i think fragrance may be a hit-or-miss thing. better to get one at the nursery which is in flower and has fragrance to be sure. even if it is fragrant, does it even smell nice?

i would go with pink jasmine for spring fragrance (blooming right now here), corkscrew vine for summer flowers & fragrance, and passiflora 'lavender lady' or x violacea for summer flowers (no fragrance though). i had lavender lady and x violacea already start to flower here when it was warmer last month. not sure how they would do in your area.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Pandorea jasminoides-NO fragrance

Podranea ricasoliana- YES fragrance

These are two separate plants. They look a lot alike, they sound alike but they are totally different.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

lol Calalily-you need to get those cuttings of the podranea going so I can see for myself!!
I'm just going by what Logee's said about the frangrance for the Pandorea jasminoides. Just looked it up again and they have in the description of the plant that it has a "delicate light fragrance". I think it is too delicate for our noses-or too light!
Like I said, these catalogs sometimes are not what they seem.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Ya mean they stretch the truth a bit??? Maybe it's like real estate where it's okay to "fluff" but not okay to tell a fib.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 7b)

well, I have heard that armadillos have sensitive noses, perhaps your little friends would appreciate the "delicate aroma" in your driveway. Really...that is not funny. As angry as I get at the deer in my yard (have actually come home at night and seen them in the yard and have started to chase them in the car, I can't explain it-I loose all sense of reason lol) it is a poor joke.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I remember once when we had a market garden and part of it was beans, several acres of beans. We had a deer problem. We stretched out wires with fluttering things, put out soap, made two fences close together.........nothing worked completely to keep them out and they were eating my beans. I turned into the driveway early one morning and there in my headlights was the most beautiful buck. He stood there frozen for a few seconds and I was probably tempted to run him down! I rolled down the window and yelled at him to quit eating my beans! He didn't listen, lol. When it was time to pick the peanut beans, I wished he'd eaten some more of them. I didn't think we were ever going to get them all picked!

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