Lilies growing in bags...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

We have quite a few of these at the store I work at. The bulbs are sending up fairly substantial stalks that have punctured the bags and are even budding. I mentioned to the garden center manager that he may want to start discounting them now since they are not going to last in the bags much longer. He quickly offered to make me some deals but would it be worth it? Are they too far gone at 4-6 inches of growth to survive being planted? There are some nice varieties but if they end up deformed or stunted because of the pre-planting growth--is it really a deal? Any advice would be welcome:) Thanks to all....

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

If he's offering a good deal, I'd sure take him up on it.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

I think as long as the bulbs are still firm they may have a chance. As long as the bulb is still healthy and even if it doesn't do much this year, it should be OK by next. If they can't be planted immediately, and I hope these are priced to sell, they can be slowed down by by placing in the frig. Next to rotting because of the heat, the next biggest problem is the tender shoot. If that gets broken off, it will be another year before it puts out another. Handle them carefully.

I really wish something could be done to educate these store managers. If they're going to sell plant products, then they should provide an adequate storage environment for bulbs, corms and tubers.I think it's great that they try to provide a low cost alternative to the local nurserys, but the number of plants that get tossed every year must be astronomical.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 2b)

They will be fine. Lucky you. Just make sure you plant them withouth breaking off the growth or you won't get any bloom this year.

I often scoop up ones that have started sprouting - at a low cost.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Thank you for all the responses. I'll probably pick some up and see how they do. The weather here (NC) has been going back and forth-almost 80 one day then 55 the next.
I work for WM and I wish I could say it was the store manager but the corporate office makes these merchandising deals 6-8 months ahead of time and you get stuff when they set the delivery time. Most of the time the bulb displays are set in the indoor garden center area (the Florida Room) but I'm wondering if the covered patio area wouldn't be a better choice so the bulbs are exposed to the colder temperatures outdoors. The bulbs still are firm and I didn't see any rotting. We have alot of basics, mixed bags and a few Stargazers and named Asiatics. I'll try to get a few extras so I can give some away next year.
Thank you again for all the tips and help.

Sea Cliff, NY(Zone 7a)

i just opened my bag of lilies from Cosco. They all have started sprouting. I am going to plant them today but wonder how deep I should plant the new shoot.

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Well, even if the shoot has started, I think you should go by the 3X rule. 3 times the height of the bulb. Someone said earlier to not plant the shoot below ground, but I've done that in the past with no adverse effects that I noticed.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

I start my vacation Friday so I'll buy them then so I have the week to mess with them. No fancy varieties but nice basics. Thanks for the planting advice:)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Well I ended up with a pretty good deal--a few bags of Stargazers (6 per bag), a mix of pink asiatics and asiatic Commander in Chief for $.75 per bag. It was very hard not to buy them all but as usual I want more than I have room for. I know what I'll be doing tomorrow morning...

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Oooo... can't beat that price!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Hopefully they will do alright and I'll be able to share some next year. Nothing fancy but nice basics. They had a mixed bag of asiatics, orientals and trumpets for blooms all season that I may pick up too. I've had good luck with large pots of asiatics and may fill up a couple more. I just had to be very careful removing them from the cardboard display so I didn't snap off any shoots. :)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi all! I have a question. In my zone it too early to plant my sprouting lilies that are in bags? Or should I just pot them up and keep on my enclosed back porch for a few weeks yet? My last frost date is May 15th.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

I'd go ahead and plant. Lilies are already coming up here and in Iowa (they're 5a, like you). I'm a bit worried about frost too but still have plenty of leaves if they need to be covered again.

You can always pot them if you'd feel better about it. Then you can easily move them indoors if it gets too cold.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Thanks Moby. I potted them up...that way...when it freezes tonight, I won't have to worry about them! Yes, I have lilies coming up too..but thought maybe since these hadn't been might be different. Think I'll just play it safe...!

Columbia Heights, MN(Zone 4a)

Is your ground frozen? No? Plant them. They will be fine.

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