My buckeye problem

Chesapeake Beach, MD

The problem isn't a diseased aesculus, it's my obsessive desire for the doggone things. I've had a major jones for buckeyes for the last couple of years. Last fall, some very good friends indeed helped me out by giving me a beautiful a. parviflora for my birthday. The non-plant people at the party were mystified by my glee with the big pot of dormant shrubbery, but what do they know. Anyway. I'm feeling sorry for myself because I had to euthanize my 17 year old cat yesterday and thinking that I need to go find myself an a. pavia to put in the corner of the garden where I buried her -- and which is currently occupied by a less than worthless spirea and an ugly rugosa. I just need a little encouragement to shovel prune and go shopping, and figured y'all might oblige me.

Rock Island, IL(Zone 5b)

I'm sorry about your loss. I grew up with a buckeye right in the midst of a large brick patio. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to your question off hand.

Take things at your own pace, though.


Eau Claire, WI

Having had to put down way to many elderly and/or sick pets, I can totally empathize with what you're going through. If this spot meets the needs for Red Buckeye (not too hot, adequate moisture,etc.), I'd rush out today and buy it. Side trips to the ice cream parlor and humane society might also be in order. :)

I don't know what the answer is but maybe a shopping trip is in order to make the area where you are burying your baby more special. I don't know about a trip to the local humane society though, I've tried that a few times after losing pets and cracked up crying and left but an all-you-can-gorge smorgasbord followed up by a trip to Baskins might help. At least you wouldn't be crying on an empty stomach. I have a cat here that will be 23 years old in a few weeks. Last week when I was at the vet with her, I could sense him trying to gently tell me it was over. I went blonde on him as I don't deal with these situations all that well and this is one for my DH to handle. I feel for you MaryMD7. I'll hold your hand through cyber space and then you can please hold mine next week. And yes, big pots of dormant shrubbery tickle me silly too.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

A way cool Aesculus chinensis would make you even happier, and would hold its big glossy green leaves all year, give you red fall color, and have blazing red leaf emergence in the spring, along with white flowers(that I have yet to experience).

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

Poor Mary,
I know how you feel. We only take in Senior dogs. They have to be at least 6 years old to come to our house. We think the old puppies need homes, too. And they are so sweet when they're older. But they don't last as long, sob. However, it is amazing how a new arrival that needs a home can chase away the Blues, when one passes. At least for me. Maybe not for you though.. Anyway, When one of our dogs passes, we always burn a lantern all night on top of the grave for the first few days. Gives me a reason to go out there and check on them , which makes me feel better. I am such a sap for my dogs...

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh that is so sad..sorry for your loss. I always go out the very next day a get another. It helps with the grief. I always plant a bleeding heart over their graves.

Chesapeake Beach, MD

Thanks for all the sympathy folks. She was a beloved pet and it was very, very hard to let her go. But, I'm quite sure she'd approve of me comforting myself by planting a nice expensive a. pavia near where I buried her. Thanks for the suggestion, Kevin, but I can't move on to another aesculus until I get that a. pavia. I've emailed Merrifield which seems to be the only nursery around here that every has anything other than a. x carnea.

I will get another kitten in a month or so. The remaining cat and I will be ready by then. Plus, if I don't have at least 2 cats, I'd have to turn in my crazy cat lady credentials. I should add that if you need a recommendation for a wonderful veterinary clinic in southern Maryland, I have one. My vets and their staff have always been great, but in the last couple of weeks they outdid themselves -- calling frequently to check on the cat's status and, in the end, coming out to my house to euthanize her so that I could hold her and save her the trauma of the trip to the clinic.

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

I am sorry about the loss of your pet. I feel your pain as I lost one yesterday.

I believe Forestfarm has a. pavia. They are my fave place to get trees/shrubs.

edited to add the link:

This message was edited Mar 24, 2006 4:14 PM

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a) and both have it.

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