Fragrance combinations

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Are there any fragrances that don't blend well in the garden?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I was wondering the same thing. I have roses in big pots on the patio and wondered about putting night stocks close to them.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

In my yard i notice my roses arnt very fragrant at night so I would imagine the night stock would be the only thing you smell (at night anyway). Mine are not close to each other but I can't imagine it would be a bad scent even if they do blend.
The only scent I don't like togeather is my Meyer lemon mixed with a grape scent from my Texas Mountain Laurel. Im not willing to move either one so I live with it.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

That's good to know, Heavinscent. I'll be planting a Meyer lemon soon. Thank you.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

It should be very happy in Cali! Where I grew up in Huntington Beach, Ca my Mom and I planted one and it just went crazy! Huge lemons the size of naval oranges. The lemon aid is still the best I ever had. Mine here is alot smaller now lost several limbs in the hurricane. I hope it will get some lemons this year but Im not getting my hopes up :o( I guess theres always next year!

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

I hope so. We're quite far north of Huntington, almost to Oregon. I'm working on its spot right now and thinking maybe I should have two, in different places that I think will be warmest in the winter, since I won't be bringing them inside. A comment in the plant files stated it is tender at 32, which means they won't make it here.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

We get a freeze come thru every now and then but I put Xmas lights and cover it. It will loose a few tips but nothing too bad. There is a thread running around here somewhere about doing that but I couldnt say where.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Good thought...I think it was written in the plant files, now that you mention it.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Mine survived 26* in 2004, bloomed in March this year and had a good crop of lemons. I covered it with a quilt the night we had the cold weather.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Thats good to know! Maybe I'll try that next year.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

ooo...My baby Meyer's Lemon has itty bitty babies on it. Still in a pot. I'm afraid to transplant it to the ground. My first citrus! I wonder what I'll use it for when it grows up! Hollandaise? Lemon Meringue Pie? Salmon? Tabouli....lemon dreaming... (smiles)

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

I forgot we are 2006 now, lol. It bloomed in 05 and had lemons. It's blooming again now.
The lemons have so much juice in them. They are very good.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Is one tree enough, or should I plant two? There are only two of us, but I'd like to have enough to share.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

At first one tree won't be enough, but they grow fast. In a few years you will have so many lemons you will be giving them to everyone. Is it warm enough there for a persian lime tree?

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

ooo...lime...I don't know...yum - do they have the same requirements?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Yes, exactly the same.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Then I'm going to have to get one. Thank you for the suggestion.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

For more 'savoury' fragrances, I combine basils (regular and purple) in containers that I use for cherry tomatoes, with a couple of garlic chives and thyme plants. Makes the container a one-stop snack station! I was thinking of trying a sage this year for the silvery leaves and pungent aroma and flavour.

BTW, I'm so envious of you folks being able to grow citrus!

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Good idea. Is a wine barrel big enough for that combination, andycdn? Thyme is a perennial, isn't it?

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