Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Hey folks-

Believe it or not I have put some pics of my collection on a website for anyone interested. Many of you know that I do not like posting photos of my plants but I kinda like you guys ya go!

Hope you like.



Just the sounds of Lauren hitting the ground while holding her chest viewing Phil's sensational as always plants.


Just the sounds of Lauren repeatedly banging her head against the wall sitting here with absolutely nothing growing and I do mean that absolutely zip nadda nothing is awakening yet.

That's ok, don't mind me up here in the frigid cold, I'll be fine, just fine.

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Dang those pics outta pick up this place. I gotta comment on a few.

Love the Drosera cistiflora, never seen a pic of one before, unusuall looking growth but quite attractive.

Your first pic of Sarracenia catesbaei x oreophila, looked like a S. flava 'coppertop' to me before I saw the title. Very nice hybrid, but try as I may I cannot see any purp influence.

Your Sarracenia moorei "Big Red" is fantastic, I have seen other pictures of it, but never a pic of it in is full glory. I love how the lip curls down in the front. The frog perching behind the plant is a wonderful addition.

And last your highland striped veitchii is also fantastic. The new pitcher that just opened is quite striped and you can see how it looks as the pitcher ages.

Very nice pics Phil thanks for sharing.

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Thanks guys. Craig, that catesbaei/oreo cross was made using a very good clone of catesbaei. My intent was to create a very robust, mid size plant that had great color and substance. The purpurea was clearly visible in the catesbaei parent by its enormous undulating hood. You're right that it's impossible to detect purp in this hybrid. I selected this one out of the bunch as a stud plant. Most of the babies came out looking like a short, flimsy oreo. Some of the other exceptions of this cross are breathtaking and as I get my friends to take the pics I'll put them on the site.

I have to appologize for the size of the pic of the moorei "Big Red" I had no idea it would turn out that big....but I wanted to post a really good pic of it. I once read that Brook's Garcia called Sarracenia 'Leah Wilkerson' the queen of the moorei. If that's the case then "Big Red" must be the king! heh heh.

So you like the veitchii? It's the slowest growing thing in the world. It's just absolutely beautiful once the pitchers open fresh, but then the peristome turns red and loses the vivid green effect. It's still a fun plant though.

Dear Lauren....hold tight. You have much to look forward to . Would you like to come and help me repot next year????

Be good.

I check on my plants almost every single day. I am stir crazy here, absolutely stir crazy. Another month and I should begin seeing signs of life.

You know something Phil, I wouldn't mind helping you repot. You repot at a time when everything is still deader than a doornail here and it would be a great opportunity for me to learn and you'd get some free slave labor. I could very easily give you a Thursday through to a Sunday if I time it properly.

Now this whole time I've been thinking you were some old old man, 8-)

Your plants are WONDERFUL!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Skinner - You mean after seeing the pic of Phil you dont think he is an old man? J/K

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Oh you really are too kind. are. All kidding aside I feel old sometimes.

Thanks for your offer to help me out Lauren, but I help out our local community here by hiring the guys that stand on the corners. It helps to know how to speak spanish too and they do the absolute best work ever.

I can feel your pain Lauren. I know what's it's like during winter and to want your plants to start growing. That's why I have such a large flourescent light garden. Ok well...I have 2 large greenhouses too but geez! LOL

Yes Gina, he's a real cutie isn't he!

Stop being modest Phil! You have greenhouses that are bigger than whole houses. They could easily accommodate soccer teams, olympic size swimming pools, and a host of other things.

Yes feel my pain, I just took a look at the outdoor thermometer and it is reading 19F. Figures.

Oh OHOH! My chest hurts!! Be still my beating heart!!! My kids see me sitting here looking at the photos and say , "mom??? MOM??? ARe you okay??? Why is your mouth hanging wide open???"
Precious little dears. I tell them I'm looking at Philcula's plants and they simply turn away in disgust.
You can never, never, never come to my greenhouse with your eyes wide open! I prohibit it! Is there a speck of moss out of place in your greenhouses? I knew your plants would be awesome, but the very neatness of the place is just startling! How do you ever do it?

My favorite: Drosera cistiflora . Very lacy and delicate looking!

Sherwood, MI(Zone 5b)

Sorry about the old crack, Phil. Dont want to make you feel old!

On your second page in the pic of your display bog 2 is that a S. flava rubricorpa that is showing such beautiful red color or is it a hybrid? Fantastic either way.

Oh and by the way your P. moranensis is HUGE!

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Ouch Lauren....that really is a bit on the cold side. But I have heard that this cold front is moving east so you should start seeing an improvement in the weather soon. And when the time is'll have something wonderful to look forward to. Just hang in there kid.

Hey Wolf offense taken with the old crack. I know it's just your ilke to be younger than the rest of us. No biggie. But I do enjoy how you like to muse so! To answer your question about display bog 2...yes, that is a flava rubricorpora. It is one of the specimens I use in all my crosses. It also selfs pretty well too. I have a number of seedlings that are coming up really well right now so there will be lots to share when they're ready.

I would have liked that pic of moranensis to show it in full growth, but when Kari comes by with her camera I have to take what ever I can get. Many of these pics were just taken last week. The bogs and Sarracenia were taken 2 summers ago.

Pixy- I don't know how you can tell from the pics that I'm organized but you totally hit the nail on the head. How do I do it? I' not sure myself. It's one of the reasons I feel old at times. The work involved in maintaining such a large collection of super high maintenance plants is staggering. I will admit that I get offers for help from local growers who want to trade work for plants. I take them up on this when I can.

Believe it or not but the bogs are the highest maintenance of all. I have a terrible problem here with oxalis, dandelion, wild viola and the like popping up in the bogs daily! My brother Steve yells at me all the time when he's here because he can spot a weed from 3 blocks away. He's become accustomed to helping me stay on top of things here. When I'm at work he comes by just to pull weeds for me. I love you bro!

Pixy- I can just see your kids looking concerned over your facial expressions and then turning away with an attitude of BLAH when they find out why. LOL!! I have many non plant friends that are completely bored with the collection. They're usually into it for 5 or 10 minutes then they've had enough. It's all good though. I do the same to them when they invite me to one of their motorcross races or whatever. I just sit there and yawn (spitefully of course) !

That Drosera cistiflora is flowering right now. That pic was also taken last week. The flowers are about 2 inches across and vivid purple. It is a species from Australia that grows in the winter and goes dormant in the summer. They almost resemble seedling yarrow to a degree, lacy and delicate like you said.

I'm glad you all enjoyed the pics.

terrible problem here with oxalis, dandelion, wild viola and the like popping up in the bogs daily!
Same problem here other than that in addition to the weeds, I get volunteer oak and hickory compliments of the squirrles and those I relocate. I use a tweezers and a magnifying glass to get weeds out of the crowns of my plants. My pots are pretty clean and so are my little bogs.

How can I tell from the photos that you are organized? Why, I'm a trained professional, Man!!! I can spot neatness a mile away!
Now, I wonder how I can get a brother like yours? Weedy pots I have a handle on. Weedy borders, now that's another story altogether!

Oh horrors, will you be wearing blindfolds for your stay with me? I did get the fooseball table out of the entryway.

Lauren, I said I could SPOT neatness, not that I AM neat. More's the pity! LOL Did you notice where I have totally disallowed Philcula to come anywhere near my greenhouse with his eyes open? There's a good reason for that!! I can hardly walk into it without knocking over pots.

Fair enough, no need for blindfolds then. For you, I will have the kids clean up all the little green army men though. We don't want anyone tripping.

Yeh, that would probably best since I can trip over my own two feet easily enough. I sure don't need any help tripping!
No kidding, I have fallen like 3 times in the last month - each time for an ostensibly 'good' reason. The dog tripped me once, which I knew would eventually happen. But the last time was on the beach in California. I was walking among the tidepools when an osprey rounded the cliff and, naturally, I had to follow it without looking where I was going. Slippery rocks + Melissa not paying attention to her feet= a cracking fall on her bottom, cracking the elbow and hand on the rocks below nicely. Oh, the pain. Oh the humiliation. Fortunately, I think, I was alone on the beach. On the other hand, had I seriously injured myself rather than just bruising myself and my dignity, I would have become fish food. Tell me I'm not too old to be doing these things alone!!!!! (Yes, wolf, it's an open invitation to make fun of me. Give it your best shot. I can take it.)

And now, back to the photos. My husband is enchanted by them!

Wauconda, IL

Wow Phil! I love the plants..and that Moorei is a cool looking plant. Is that the same thing as the "Phil's Giant" that I have?

I just cannot believe the set-up you have, the plants AND the greenhouses. Thanks so much for sharing them with us. Gorgeous!

And you're not so bad yourself!!! ;->

Morgan Hill, CA(Zone 10a)

Awwww gee, thanks.

Anyways Dode the Phil's Giant is actually a Readii. The cross you have is Readii "Phil's Giant" x moorei "Big Red".

Yeah, I do have quite the set-up. But believe me it is a tremendous amount of work. I can't tell you how often during the summer when I get home from work...the last thing I want to do is water the plants. Fortunately I have most all of the Sarracenia in deep trays (3 to 6 inches) and during really hot weather I fill them to the rim so I don't have to upkeep every day. I just sit out back with my ICE cold beer and fire up the bbq for some much needed R&R.

Wauconda, IL

It's chilly here beer and BBQ for zone 5. Good lord, you work AND maintain all that? No wonder you need some ICB and BBQ!

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