biodynamic preps

rhinelander, WI(Zone 4a)

these "preps" help the earths receptivity to planting- with a new garden the soil seems to say "what is this?" or "we don't like you" at first.
biodynamics takes cow manure , silica, and various herbs and helps to extend the effects of manure, in addition to normal organic methods,
we tried this last year on our garden, does anyone on the forum have good results with biodynamics ? jim

Denver, CO

Could you post a link for us, Jim? I usually think in terms of the plant thinking "Whoah, what's this stuff?" and then finding suitable mycorrhizal friends (if they are not with it to begin with, which is usually the case) and producing the kind of growth that is most suited to the new environment.
To make organic matter last longer- add more.
That's what happens in nature.
K. James

rhinelander, WI(Zone 4a)

hi, the best reference to biodynamics is from "secrets of
the soil" a book by Thompkins,
he also wrote "secret life of plants.
Originated by Rudolf Steiner in 1924,biodynamics attempts to add
a "spiritual" component to organic agriculture, the preparations are stirred
vigorously to attempt to give them more
energy and they are sprayed over fields or gardens, was more appreciated in Australia, with very poor soil the manure,silica,and herbal preparations seemed to require less to produce more. -- jim

This message was edited Mar 25, 2006 10:44 AM

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

OK where did the defination of preps and the previous discussion origionate from?

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