unlikely combination?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Starhill Forest's book next to my hanginghomedepot.

Thumbnail by levilyla

I LOVE that book!

Atchison, KS(Zone 6a)

Morning!I love that book.....at eight dollars a pound....I love that book.....lol! Seriously, one of the best investments I've ever made....and Guy has done an outstanding presentation......and your hanginghomedepot is simply......mahvalush......Dave

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I love the book also...it is always on my table (even though I know 1/100th of what is in it)...but maybe someday.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Forget the book, I want the bulldog in the picture!


Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Does anyone else want to live in levilyla's house. Way cool place.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Come one come all...and that is NOT a bulldog.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I have the book too! It is a great addition to my collection.


Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)


Scott is always loking at your pictures Mom!! LOL

no takers on the cute boy in that picture?? HMMMM

Bulldog? a mastiff is that gorgeous creature in that picture beautiful Lyla!!!!!

Mom I will have to look at that book tonight when I come over for dinner!

Atchison, KS(Zone 6a)

Will barter for bulldog....have one 24 year old know-it-all son for exchange......Dave

Presque Isle, WI(Zone 3b)

Dave, you have one of those "pets" also? I have two myself, a little older, most people say to me that the apples don't fall far from the tree. Now what do you suppose they mean by that? Ken

Uh hum (Equil clears throat), I know Lyla passed on but I'd still take the small child as first pick! He'd fit in just perfect around here.

Atchison, KS(Zone 6a)

Hi Ken!He is a wonderful son and very talented also.....you would like him I'm sure! I had an uncle that had 120 apple trees that I helped him with and what joy I had being with him! Dave

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

AWWW Equil I hope Mom does not mind me answering that one above sweet Lyla is alive and well I will see her at Mom's tonight for dinner and give her a hug for you

Levi her beautiful brindle Mastiff passed away last summer.

The small child in the picture is my 6 year old son (in the pic he was 2 I think) I love that picture of the two of them looks like they are telling each other a secret! here is is closer so you can see Lyla is not a bulldog LOl.

I cannot wait to check out that book too!!

Thumbnail by magoobu

Oops, I was close. I knew one of them passed on. OK, now gimme the small child! I don't recall ever having had a blonde boy here. We need one to round off our color assortment!

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

ok he is asleep now so sweet as can be so I will pass him along now before he wakes and rocks your world!!! LOL

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Gee, thanks for the free plugs y'all! Levi, I see another Timber Press book beneath mine -- which one is it?

I've been outside digging trees all day. Another few days of digging to go yet, and I gotta get them all out of the ground before the buds break dormancy. Why is the spring digging season always so darned short? And why am I so darned old and achy? Bad ankle, bad shoulder, bad back, bad attitude . . .

Guy S.

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Its simple Guy -gravity and bad drugs

Sleeping is no fun! We want them awake redecorating our home! They're boys! They do look like angels when they sleep though. Those cheeks are too much!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

you are a lot like me Equil my most creative times come late at night and when I'm hypoglycemic. Also when I'm smoking ..... Hahaah

Phoenix, MD(Zone 7a)

wow you all are up late lol

Eqil I love those chubby cheeks too!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Hi Guy...the book BENEATH yours is Rick Darke's The American Woodland Garden...my dendrologist brother-in-law loved your book.

Coldwater, MI(Zone 5b)

Steve, I'd ask what you've been smoking, but I know we both grew up in the stoned age...

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

You got that right Fred and Barney.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Rick Darke is super -- you made a very good choice when you bought his book.

As for gravity and bad drugs (what a great line!), I try to ignore them both. But I make exceptions for Bayer Back & Body pills at bed time.

Equil, just whose cheeks are you discussing? Mine and Sofer's and Patrick's and Dave's and Will's and Ken's and Scott's? Well, yes, I suppose we fellas won't object if you want to call us all angels . . . but you might be stretching that point by including Scott!

Guy S.

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