Experience with Viburnum farreri 'Nana' in Chicago area?

Naperville, IL(Zone 5b)

A nursery here in Naperville will be offering this early-blooming, fragrant viburnum for the first time this year. Just wondering what sort of experience folks in the Chicago area have had with this shrub. Kevin_5, I recall that you've had this one. Does it bloom in April here (early, mid-, late)? Would love to hear about how this viburnum (and its flower buds) has been handling our winters and early springs.

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)

This is a great plant. I have had several for 6 years now, and they never fail to bloom. As a matter of fact, they always set seed as well, and I have no idea how they do it. It has great colored foliage as it emerges, and stays compact. Early April is about right for bloom time. I just looked at mine here and they have swollen buds all around.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

one of the best local plantsmen I know really, really likes this plant. It's on my short list of things to acquire. I may in fact have one in a container somewhere. I vaguely remember a very small fraction of a plant I bought mail-order last year.

Kevin, would that be possibly crossing with one of the other early fragrant viburnums? My understanding is that V. farreri nana blooms very early.

Is farreri the proper spelling?


Naperville, IL(Zone 5b)

Thanks so much for the replies. I definitely will try this little viburnum.

V. farreri seems to be the correct spelling, but I've seen the cultivar name spelled 'Nana' and 'Nanum' (the latter in Dirr).

Elburn, IL(Zone 5a)


I had berries on it when it was the lone early bloomer at my place. Maybe the ability to reproduce by itself comes with evolving into such an early bloomer. I will see this year if my 'Candidissimum' increases its fruit production.

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