Longest blooming time BUDDLEIA ?

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Hi there, I need your help to find out which Buddleia specie or cultivar has the longest blooming period because I am a little deceived about mine.

Thank you all!

Union Grove, AL

You are a very different zone from me but here they come in in late May as a rule and stop after a hard freeze in October or November, they do slow down in the heat of August and Sept and demand water in droughts, plus most varities bloom better if you deadhead them, mine almost stop blooming if i don't and then about a month later come back with a sparser bloom time. I have only davidii hybrids, White profision, not one i'd reccommend as there are better ones out now, Pink delight, a little tricky gets huge, 20 feet here but dies for no known reason about every 5 years. Nanhoo Blue, nice blue, deadheads vanish against leaves from 6 feet or better away, still blooms even with deadheads, have an accidental seedling that is a massive spike of mauve that puts on a steady show in just the wrong place by the kitchen door, once i have a couple of dozen coming along I'll risk moving it.

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Thanks, I will deadhead for sure and I might address more exactly my question with which is the earliest blooming since here they start in august, I would like them to flower all summer ;-))

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

I have had many over the years. I think the secret is deadheading. My continually bloom May-October in this zone, but do require extra water in very hot dry conditions. Good luck with yours.

Zanesville, OH(Zone 6a)

'Niche's Choice' has worked well for me and smells wonderful!

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Oh, it has splendid flowers, with my Royal Red it would be beautiful.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Buddleia lindleyana
Mine blooms from April to frost and is evergreen here.
Put it out in a spot of it's own so you can easily share the babies.

Montreal, QC(Zone 4b)

Thanks Viola, actually in am trying to start this one by seeds given to me, hope it will be successfull!

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