What am I going to do with everything??

Chickamauga, GA(Zone 7a)

I am new to gardening and this is my first year of trying to start seed on my own....I have 3 flats different things and I keep bringging them inside at night then outside when it rains or during the day for sun. I dont have alot of space so they spend the night on my washer and dryer :)

I have a bunch of stuff that I wanted to try just because I like the look of them but I am afraid I dont know where I will put it all without my yard looking like an experiment gone bad!!!

Right now I have.... double pink holly hocks and black hollyhocks coming up, also every seed I planted of some really pretty Star of Yelta Morning Glories (thanks to seed trade).

Here is what I have planted that hasnt come up yet...

Confederate rose
Texas star
a lavender
Black eyed susans
Evening Primrose
Iris from seed
A few different Hibiscus
Hycinth Bean
Daisy Fleabane
Purple cone flower
Mixed state fair Giant Zinnia
Mixed Sweet peas

I dont know if I planted these all the right way or what I just got some good starter soil and put them in the trays with markers so I know what is what. I let them get rained on and sit out in the sun furing the day....

Any suggestions? Also I dont know what to do with them all!!!!
What will I do with this Hycinth Bean vine that says it will grow up to 15 feet tall??? LOL

The flowers I am putting in a new flower bed we just made but phewwwwww I have a feeling the yard is going to look weird this year. Thanks to me trying to grow seed :)

Barnesville, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow, it sounds like you've done well with your seeds. As far as the look you want with your flowers, that is personal choices. A helpful idea is to take a picture of each flower, say, from a seed catalog, then place them on paper according to height they grow to, arranging them in a way that is pleasing to you. After you've decided, and the babies are ready to be planted, just arrange in your bed according to their growth needs, water, etc.
As far as the hyacinth bean....that one needs a pretty sturdy structure to grow on but it is a lovely vine. Best of luck to you and your enthusiasm is great! As long as you like it thats what matters.

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

It is spring! We never know where to "put it all" - I've just bought a huge bag of lilies called "Dizzy" and am hunting for places to tuck them in. Welcome to gardening!!!!!


P.S. The really finished, complete, needs-no-thought garden is called grass.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

Sterling... you are so funny! I am glad you got some more lilies because you didn't have many. (haha)...

Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi - teateacher! I just ordered some martagon lilies too - they are really magnificent in bloom, but the bulbs I ordered are little guys (cheap $2 each instead of $18 each) so it will be a while before I see flowers.

I can't have enough lilies!!! But I've got plenty more of the daylilies and the iris if you want some.

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