Thunbergia alata a perennial?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Much to my surprise, my Blackeyed Susan Vine, Thunbergia alata, is coming up again! This is the second year in a row this has happened, they were started from seed. I'm beginning to think it can be considered a perennial in Zone 8.

Has anyone else had this happen?


Edinburg, TX


I have been growing black-eyed susan vine (both the yellow orange colored and the white ones) for the past three years...once they get straggly I cut them back and before I know it they are growing fast and furious again. They tend cover everything in sight in my yard. I've had to pull some out of the ground as well as chop away tendrils that have wrapped themselves over other plants.

~ Cat

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Hi Cat,

Have yours been hard freezed to the ground? I usually cut mine down to the ground after the first hard freeze. I am always amazed to see them peeking back up again when the weather warms!


Edinburg, TX


It rarely freezes down in the south tip of Texas...but we did have a freak snowfall/freeze in Dec 2004 which zapped everything. I cut the vines to the ground and they grew back quickly.

They really do manage to grow all over the place...they have worked their way from the window security bars I originally had them climbing on to reach over and latch onto a few other trellises near by.

~ Cat

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