1st Iris Bloom in 2006!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

This is the 1st Iris I found in bloom today!! It's Iris histrioides, "George".

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Any other gardeners with 1st Iris blooms this year???

Thumbnail by Shirley1md
Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

I have Iris Reticulata "Harmony" blooming right now. Couldn't get a good picture of it, though. We had a big hail storm and it ripped the blooms to shreds.

"George" is a cutie!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks flowerfrenzy! Wish I could have seen Iris Reticulata "Harmony".

This is some of the weirdest weather this year! We were in the 70's today!! Go figure in mid-March!!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm in-between new blooms right now. Megglethorpe just went - it has been in several years and only had a single bloom. Medians don't do so well here. There a few on the verge though. I'll get some photos soon.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Great, Doss! I look forward to seeing them soon.

With this gorgeous warm weather the past 3 days, lots of my flower buds will finally begin to pop open!

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Well, I went out this morning and found a couple of good flowers. Here's Iris Reticulata 'Harmony'. A real cutie at only 4 inches high!

Thumbnail by flowerfrenzy
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

My iris r. Pauline on the 17th February, and no it's not warm here! we are bouncing around 36-38F. Sometime that seems weeks ago we had a couple of days at 50f and one at 55/6. Also have had i reticulata open some time on a south wall, more just opened recently in a shadier spot.


Thumbnail by wallaby1
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Iris reticulata amongst tritelea on 26th February

Thumbnail by wallaby1
Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

I love iris reticulata. I have 'Harmony' and another unknown, and I would love to have more. Does anyone know a good source?

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

This company seems to be a major supplier of most bulbs


Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the site. I'll check them out.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous flowers, flowerfrenzy & wallaby! I love "Pauline" and Iris reticulata amongst tritelea! The flower shapes almost resemble butterfly wings!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Funny isn't it, all the nice hybrids they bring out, and there are some really great ones, I always go back to the simple species and find them the most interesting!

Yes they are amazing, nature is amazing!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

If you are looking for unusual iris I would recommend Iris City Gardens instead.


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I have a few blooming also! However, they are more purple than the blue that the picture shows. I also have a very light blue blooming, but will get a picture of it later today. Spring is just around the corner....yippeeee!

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

another shot.......

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

irisluvr if they were that colour blue they would be great anyway, it looks gorgeous on my screen! Do you know the name of the cultivar? The petals look too broad to be I reticulata.

doss that is a good site for iris, I keep looking and thinking I would like more, there are lots of lovely colours and forms. There is a site here I found long ago that does sell some quite new varieties, but I always overstretch myself on everything! Always another year! The vanengelen site sells bulbs as opposed to rhizomes, I think I would buy from both! They are much cheaper than we get here, and I am so jealous!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

No, I don't know the name of the cultivar. I purchased them 2 springs ago from a local nursery and the only tag they had in the container was 'iris'. My mom has one that just showed up in her yard last year that was a maroon color. Unfortunatley, I didn't get a picture this year and the bloom has already faded away.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

irisluvr0252: I love the delft blue color of your Iris. Just beautiful!

Oh, Doss! You're gonna tempt me to look at another flower website, especially since I have NO self control! We'll see what amount of damage I do on this one!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

These are the light blue iris.........more of a sky blue color:

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh, Shirley. You have a treat in store.

This isn't my first but it's early. 'April Jewel'.

Thumbnail by doss
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

irisluvr0252: Lovely sky blue Iris. It's so delicate & dainty.

Doss: "April Jewel" is a winner! It looks beautiful blooming alongside your Daffodils!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

April Jewel is pretty. This is "Aaron's Rod" blooming now. It's an everyday blue but it puts on a lovely show.

Thumbnail by doss
Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Very nice! :0)

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Aaron's Rod is beautiful! I'm going to have to order Aaron's Rod! That is my youngest son's name and his favorite color is blue. I'm off to look for it now!

Lincoln, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Doss no way is that every day blue! it has a purplish flush, and those frills, such opulence on 'no frills' iris! You are so lucky having them bloom now, the only ones we can hope for now are the reticulatas, or if you have it I. unguicularis.

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Well, if your son's name is Aaron then this one is certainly for you. And it is regularly one of the earliest which is nice.
I guess you're right - it isn't a no-frills iris. Thanks for reminding me to look a little closer!

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

"Aaron's Rod" is simply gorgeous! Where did you find that Iris?

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

I bought it at an iris grower in San Jose but here's where I found it on Google
I don't know this vendor so you might want to look it up in the watchdog.
I checked Snowpeak Iris and they don't carry it.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much for the link! Another website to check out!

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Just what you needed Shirley. :-)

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Here is one that's been blooming for about a week now.
Day Glow

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

This one too has been blooming for about a week. It's an arilbred. A vigorous arilbred. It's part TB and part Onco (an Aril) Get's 40 " tall!!
Fancy Work

This message was edited Mar 17, 2006 11:01 PM

Thumbnail by Margiempv
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Gorgeous pictures, Margiempv! I especially love "Fancy Work" with its darker veining!

Can you please tell me more about "arilbred" Irises. Never heard of that term before.

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi Shirley,

What's better than me trying to cover all the aspects of an arilbred? What about a website dedicated to arilbreds! :-) This website is like an arilbred party. It has everything!! click here:


Happy browsing

~ Margie

Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

This is Arilbred 'Energizer' - my first Arilbred, but I don't think my last.

Thumbnail by doss
Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks so much for the link Margie. It was fascinating reading & I thoroughly enjoyed viewing all the pictures! However, the website seemed to indicate that these Irises do much better in a drier environment & amended soil with very fast drainage. My gardening area is very humid during the Summer. Would these Irises be to prone to rot? Would I be better off growing them in containers?

Doss: Beautiful picture of Aribred "Energizer". I think it's the beginning of a whole new addiction! :~)

Oro Valley, AZ(Zone 9a)

Doss, Someday I may have to get that one! It's been on my list for about a year. Thanks for posting a photo of it. :-)

Shirley, it is true they prefer warmer/drier climates. I don't know if they would rot in wetter/colder cimates or just not grow. If I were to move to MD - - I would plant mine in pots with a good draining potting soil, and keep them on a porch where they receive some protection and plenty of sun. If it rains day after day, or gets way too cold for too long of a period, I'd move the pot(s) to a more sheltered location (possibly even indoors during the coldest winter months.)

They DO need water though. Mine get water every 3rd day or so. If they are kept too dry they won't grow or bloom. I grow and treat them just like I do my TB's. I hope this info helps you if you venture on this new addition. :-) The arilbred patterns are so uniquely different (as they are lovely).

~ Margie

Vancouver, WA(Zone 7a)

Arils/Arilbreds go dormant in the summer months. If you live somewhere that it rains during their dormant periods, they will most likely rot. They don't mind extremes of cold and heat too much, but they won't tolerate dampness. That being said, if you want to try them you will have the most luck with the ones that have a smaller percentage of pure Aril Iris in them.

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