Clutter in every country?

Timbuctu, Canada

We've all got clutter, and when you look in that drawer you think "I should clean this up" but we never do.

I'm guessing people all over the world have such a drawer where they keep a bunch of stuff. I thought what better way to get a view of people from everywhere than to peek into their clutter drawer.

So I just started a spot for sharing the pics on">

So if you can send a pic, with your first name (or a nickname) and your city. It's great therapy to help you love your clutter drawer, and what your unique one says about you!

It would only take a minute if you have a digital camera - and you can check back occasionally you won't feel bad about not cleaning your clutter drawer out when you see all the other ones!

SEND pic to: rossgk (at)

Substitute the "@" of course. Hope to peek into your drawers soon! ;-)


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