
Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

I've been using Micorrhizae for a short time, almost two years, when I plant new plants in my garden, it seems to make a big difference. how many have been doing this? and what is your experience with buying? Just looking for info on other peoples experience. hostajim1

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

I've not tried applications of Mycorrhizae, but recall reading something on the subject sometime ago. There are several different types of these symbiotic soil-borne fungi. Do you use a combination of types?

Port Orchard, WA(Zone 8a)

Yuska, right now I'm using combination of 8 endo-ecto. I'm researching all vendors offering Mycorrhizae. plus any other beneficials associated. one is a mushroom co. that's been in business for a long time and I know is reputable. fungi perfecti in Olympia, Wash. I did meet some of their employees at a Micro-Propagation workshop. one of them was in R & D . but there are other co's that I want to check out also. interesting subject. I'm leaning more and more toward organics. I'm really sold on using compost tea. making my own last year and using it on just about everything.there is no comparison! so now I have cut out most of the chemicals ( except for my roses ) . hostajim1

Vienna, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi HostaJim,

Please let us know the results of your Mycorrihizae research. Up here in Canada, the only widely available product is Myke, and it is expensive and micro-marketed to specific plants and horticultural applications. Almost overkill.

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