Does anyone have luck with growing annual sweet peas?

East Lansing, MI(Zone 5a)

Where are they located? What kind of soil and fertilizer do you use? Are they located in full sun or mainly morning light?

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

I've had best luck (and they won't do fantastic here as it gets hot too quick) is in morning sun, afternoon shade. Soil w/ compost, and not too dry.

East Lansing, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks Zeppy! I've had the same experience here. Although I must admit last summer I had great luck with keeping pansies blooming in one spot. I think I'll try the sweet peas in the location where the pansies did well last summer. It was in a light shade in a new raised bed that was well prepared with peat and sand added. It was mulched and watered well. Frankford

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

That's a good idea; might try it myself! I was just over at my neighbor's house and she's got a patch of sweet peas coming back every year. I know they do well here, so I took some seeds from the seedpods (hope it's not a hybrid) and would take a plant out if I could isolate one.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I grow sweet peas in a morning-light location, from dawn to about 2 pm around the solstice.

I plant them in a trench which I prepare as follows: dig a 6" trench and fill it with torn strips of newspaper; spray to wet completely and settle. Sprinkle with superphosphate, about half a cup per yard/metre. Add more newspaper, spray again and walk on it to tamp it down. Cover with an inch of soil, sow the seed (scarified and pre-soaked overnight with inoculant) and cover with another inch of soil. The roots love the 'grab' of the newspaper and will find the superphosphate about when they are tall enough and ready to bloom.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

andycdn, around when do you plant them there in 4b? Thanks for the tips.

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

I always push the season, especially with peas, so mid-April or even earlier if the signs are right. I plant my sugar snaps at the same time, same method. I get a HUGE crop!

(Incidentally, off-topic, I put up a plastic mesh screen up to 8' for the sugar snaps, and they grow right to the top, producing the whole length of the vine.)

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

I just love them! I start them in early Spring but the summer is too hot here. Fall is a better time but like Andy I push. I mine are about 6inches high now I can't wait till they flower! They will die off around mid July but I will plant them again in mid Sept. The frost will kill them off in Dec. or Jan.
Its a lot of work but I wouldnt be without them!

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Hmmm, two crops... I might try that! We have a long fall. Thanks for the tip, Caren.


South West, LA(Zone 9a)

any time!

Seattle, WA

The Sweet Peas were at theur most fragrant when grown in Full sun.

That being said, in Seattle, there isn't a lot of direct sunlight.

East Lansing, MI(Zone 5a)

leehallfae: Lansing is like Seattle in that we are two of the most cloudy cities in the USA.

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Hay guys I found a really nice site for all kinds of heirloom Sweet peas.

Thanks, I have had so much fun at this site!
... Elaine

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)


Syracuse, NY(Zone 5a)

yeah, grew them last year in a hanging basket, real pretty and multicolored. I bought them as seedlings last year, this year, I am starting them from seed. Nice fragrance.

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