Fredericktown, MO

I had all my seedlings just going to town in my room in the garage. The room is heated and I have grow lights in there.....I come home one evening to water and turn the lights off and MICE MICE MICE had ate everyone of my seedlings except the Penstemon and several variets of Hibiscus..They even dug up the seeds that hadn't yet germinated.......I am sick, sick, sick!!!

I have started my seeds in this room for the past 3 years with NO PROBLEMS...........ARGGGGGGGGGH


mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

so sorry to hear that Lisa. sometimes gardening is downright frustrating.

Hey Lisa, what were you trying to germinate? I grow mostly natives but if per chance I have anything you just lost, I would be happy to share.

I know the frustrations of being undermined by critters all too well. Makes you so mad you just want to spit BBs.

Fairmont, WV(Zone 6a)

You TOTALLY have my sympathy, I haven't had mice problems (yet) but the !@#! deer have eaten probably half the plants I've tried to grow. It is SO frustrating to put in all that time and effort (not to mention $$) and come out one morning and oops, nothing left but stubs and critter tracks. And critter poop, to add insult to injury.

Makes me think longingy of venison.

Good luck,

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

Whenever I needed mice to stay away from things in my barn I just dump peanut butter next to it and they go nuts eating it and then leave my Seeds alone right next to it.

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