Hi Everyone!

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

I'm brand new here and so happy to have found you... so many nice people and so much great stuff to see. I recently moved to New Mexico where I didn't think I could garden, from Georgia, where I was an addict. It turns out my addiction followed me and I'm trying to be inventive with the rocks and heat and wind and brilliant sun here. But I truly love it. I just have to get used to these conditions and figure out what grows. I've started some veges and some flowers and I believe I can put them out pretty soon. I'm in 7b. I'm a photographer, too, and the birds here are giving me all sorts of opportunities. The sky and sunrises are magnificent. But I want to meet some people.....

Thumbnail by PrissyJo
Gates, NC

Welcome to the garden from Carolina!

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Hi Rosykay! Thank you! My sister lives in Hillsborough, NC and just loves it and has a fantastic garden. Is that near you?

Hi there neighbor & welcome to the garden!
Last year we got snow on our apricot blossoms then winds over 50 mph and still we enjoyed 11 apricots from our young tree. MMMMm good! If you like roses you'll be happy because they seem to love New Mexico. I'll be watching for more of your photographs - your agave is gorgeous.


Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Hi Angele!! Oh it's nice to meet a NM gardener! We were trying to drive around the state just after we got here and went to Elephant Butte and it's beautiful!! We stayed at Truth or Consequences and I was admiring Turtle Mountain when the moon started rising up behind it. Here's the photo. And, guess what, I have 2 apricot trees in the yard! I hope they produce. They look very old. By the way, do you put out any tomatos or peppers? If so, when can we put them out?

Thumbnail by PrissyJo

Carlsbad is usually one of the warmest places in the state but still subject to our famous late spring storms. I tend to put things out early & then I have to cover everything a few times. I'll probably start planting in a couple of weeks. Last year I had a few new plants that were damaged and lost a couple of begonias
March 17 2005 - 30.9 degrees and March 27 & April 1- 28.9 degrees
I used to live in Ruidoso, NM right at 7000' and we'd get freezes in May! I'd cover all my plants with cardboard boxes and blankets and even large styrofoam Sp? cups for the small plants. It is so hard to resist planting when the days are so beautiful.

I put out tomatos but not peppers. The tomatos are pretty slow at first because of the cold nights. I usually put them in containers and shelter them at night until June.

Gates, NC

Hello, don't know where Hillsborough is. I'm in the northeast corner of the state.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the info. I'm going to restrain myself and wait a couple of weeks then. Covering things at night is a great idea. The weather forecasts around here are surprisingly accurate. I'm going to aim toward some roses, too. Someone told me that when the pecan trees or the desert mesquite bloom, then you know there won't be anymore frosts. My yard was covered with pecans yesterday from the neighbors tree so I'll keep my eye on it. I'm worried that tomatoes won't make it here because of the intense heat so I keep wanting to put them out so they can produce before the summer kills them. But you have good luck with them? I actually started seeds in January!! I've repotted them twice already. Some are in gallon containers already. So, I see you're an awesome photographer!! Don't we have a pretty state to document! I live almost beside the desert zoo and living gardens. Such a treat.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Hi Prissy Jo, giggle at the handle... prissy folks don't garden much do they? get all dirty and everything. Welcome to Dave's - the best place on the internet.

you'll have lots of things you can grow... just different ones. Check out a good local nursery for which tomatoes will produce for you before the heat sets in and they can't set blossoms any more. Cherry toms of any kind seem to go right on producing for me. I live in the high deserrt of Utah and we see one hundred teens late every summer. But get great tomatoes before that.

There are those agave looking plants that have long wands of pink flowers, and numerous sage plants that love the heat and don't mind the dryness.

On Tuesday evenings when you see _"The Chat Room Is Open"_ click on it and join in the chatter... it moves fast and answers are spread out amongst other babble... but it is F U N again, welcome, ~Blooms

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Hi Blooms!
Thanks for the welcome! Can't wait to visit the Chat Room. Sounds like a lot of fun... it's already so neat to see how friendly people are here. I've always found gardeners to be great.

I don't have any nurseries here. no garden centers. no home depot. no farmers market. .... and on and on.... It's kind of depressing. Not much makes me happier than to go to a garden center or nursery. That's why I decided to plant some seeds and see how it goes. I planted 13 varieties and two toms. So maybe I'll have some luck with them. There's a nursery about 45 miles away but she only has a few shrubs. There is a Triple A Feed store but that lady told me I'd better just calm down and quit thinking about gardening for a while. She didn't have any plants, or anything really! (She didn't know about my addiction... I CAN'T calm down about gardening!)

I bet you're talking about red yucca... I have one in my front yard. It's pretty. And a few sage bushes. Is that about it? Plus roses? for the desert SW?

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Blooms, by the way, I was BORN with Priscilla Joanne. No one can believe it because I'm so far from prissy; but at least I got the Jo! Love your handle!

Prissy, heres a short list of what I tried in my yard this last year 05
Pineapple Sage, grew to 4' -bloomed heavily late summer through fall.
Celosia- the feather plume kind and it bloomed forever
Larkspur - Imperial Giant Blue - very pretty while it lasted
Mexican Mint
Desert Bird of Paradise (occurs naturally but gorgeous blooms)
Pink Pampas - didn't do much last year but survived the winter & is growing now
Red Hot Poker - same story as the pampas & not one of my favorites but they do well here
I also tried Mexican Heather with poor results but I think I will succeed from what I learned so I am going to try again.

Be sure to check out some of Blooms photo threads.. They are awesome!!!!
Here's a link to one http://davesgarden.com/forums/t/484625/

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

LOL PrissyJo, "calm down about gardening" ? Whatever can she have been thinking.

The thing you need to start with is seep hose... so any water you give em goes where it's used. I ALWAYS get the 3/8 inch ones as I find I don't really have the pressure to run the half inch ones.

Some times I am smart enough to lay it out first but I have snaked [and i mean snaked] it thru a perennial bed after it was established... easier if done first. I'll think about what might be most successful ... and obtainable from my successful ones. Do you hae shade?
Me go now, ~Blooms

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

hello from upstate new york. good luck and have fun here with us.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

This is SO great !

Herbie: THANK YOU. My husband is originally from New Jersey and we've been talking lately about how his Dad just loved to garden and would try so many things. It's wonderful to be able to meet people from all over the country and talk about my favorite thing!

Blooms - Thanks for the info on seep hoses. I've been wondering what to do. I had a couple of people come by and try to get me to put in an "irrigation system". I just hate those things because of all the water loss. Water seems to be an extremely important thing here and I hate wasting it and I just can't stand the way those sprayers water the sidewalks and streets and evaporate and beat down the fragile plants. I'll try the seep hose because I've basically got a clean canvas to start with.

Angele - THANK YOU. I'm so excited about trying some things now. I'm going to have to go on a search in the Plant Scout. WOW ----- you're right! Looking at Blooms photos is awe inspiring!!!!!!!!!! I tell you, it makes such a difference to me being in contact with people who love plants and gardening like I do. BTW, I'm putting a picture on because I won second place yesterday in Carlbad's Artists' Association contest. It's called "Walking Back In Time" and I took it at a rendezvous in Raton.

Thumbnail by PrissyJo
Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Blooms - I forgot, I have some occasional shade from my neighbor's pecan and a little bit from my apricots but I might have a little more once they leaf out. But most of the yard, especially the front, is just open.

Congratulations, how great is that? NM is famous for its artists so it looks like you are where you belong... Welcome HOME! That picture is so neat. It really tells a story. :)

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Love your painting... I hope you don't mind - I want to share a photo I took of a German photographer friend of mine towards the end of a busy day of taking pictures. the similarity of placement is amazing. You have woods and we had red rocks.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Angele - THANK YOU! What you said about NM is so true. I really love it here. Everywhere you look, it's just stunning.

Blooms - and THANK YOU! ......WOW...... That's amazing. Your picture gives me a "feeling", just like what Angele said - it tells a story. Is that near where you live? BYW, I don't paint. Wish I could, but mine is a photograph that I changed on the computer to look like a painting. It was one my husband didn't really like that much but I did. I think it reminded him of the one I took of his father in exactly the same position, only it was in the cemetery; he was walking to his mother's grave. Now, his father's buried with her. But, anyway, your other photos are simply awesome.

Is there a forum for photos? I'd love to see some more photos.

I tried to start my diary but kept getting returned to "Press the Tab" and I couldn't enter anything. Is there a trick to it?

Which of the forums do you guys like? I love this site.

Blooms & Prissy.. you two have the same birthday!!!

photos forum is here: http://davesgarden.com/forums/f/photos/all/ one of my favorites!

off to work (not even dressed yet ... lol & yikes!)

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Okay, I GOTTA know what year.................................

I LOVE that photo forum!!

And Angele, you are too funny. LOL on getting dressed!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Angele - ?? Really?
two days after Christmas, Prissy Jo? Oh, how wild is that? I'm old. 'lalala' born in 1938 .

PrissyJo... where did you go? :)

Crossville, TN

PrissyJo...This Jo was pleased to meet you last night in Chat!!

Now, since Dave made us our own Southwest Forum....why don't all of you come to the Round Up/Swap in Scottsdale this Sunday....You'll find out all about it in the Southwest Fourm

If any of you plan to come into Arizona on I-10...give me a holler...I am just a wee bit off there. Would like to meet you. The other JO

Hi Jo!

I found the sw forum just yesterday and read some of the threads. How fun! Esp. good to 'see' you again.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Oh Angele you won't believe it.... one of my apricots is blooming. They looked so old and forlorn I wasn't sure if they would even produce. The biggest one still isn't blooming but the smaller one, which is still big, has lots of white blossoms! I'm thrilled. What about yours?

I'm loving it here. I'm trying to peek into all of the forums that interest me. yikes! there must be........ almost all of them!!!....

LOl me too. though I only visit a few on a regular basis, there are many I've never been to at all.

My apricot tree is done blooming already. I'm surprised it bloomed before yours. Carlsbad is warmer than here. Mine bloomed about 2 weeks earlier than it did last year.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

wow. I guess you weren't too impressed with my great bloom news then! Two weeks ago! I thought you were actually much farther north and higher elevation. It could be because these two poor trees are really old and because we haven't had a rain since last September. I hadn't thought to water them. I'm sure they haven't been fed in years. I watered them both today but the dirt around them is so dry and poor that it just ran everywhere. I'm going to try to dig around and give them some compost and other good stuff. The previous owners had built a stone patio right up against them. They're at the edge of the lot. poor things.

BTW, if I write things in this forum, will you get it, or should I dmail you? I'd love to stay in touch.

Do you have anything else blooming? I haven't seen anything around here blooming except a few wild flowers, which are very cool.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Hi other Jo--- I just d-mailed you!

I'm "watching" this thread so I'll always know when somebody posts here, but please dmail me anytime you like- I'd like that
I used a soaker hose on my tree middle of February and again yesterday. Kept it on a slow drip about 6 hours.. doesn't use all that much water but what it does use all goes to the trees. even our rain when we get it doesn't do all that much good for deep watering, it usually comes down too fast & runs off. I only have 2 trees I have to regularly water, the apricot & a catalpa; the desert willow & mesquite tree usually don't require much. With this drought I will give them a big drink though.
here's a link to a picture I posted March 2nd..

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Oh, Angele, i'm jealous, you have a desert willow. gonna get me one.
My apricot tree is just now blooming too.

Thumbnail by BloomsWithaView
Albuquerque, NM(Zone 7a)

Well I might as well join in on the NM discussion since I live in Albuquerque. I have two acres in the valley and get ditchwater every two weeks (used to be every week) and have a big irrigation pump, so I can grow just about anything (and do LOL) It does get awful hot in a hurry, but if you get in the shade, you are cool! Big trees help in the afternoon. Any plant that requires "full sun" can definitely do great with a half day. Morning sun is best.

I joined Dave's yesterday and wanted to say hi to all......not just New Mexicans. This site is really something.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Welcome imafarmer! Glad to hear from you. Sounds like you've got all the best of NM! The beauty AND irrigation. I was wondering about that "full sun" requirement because it seemed if anything got full sun around here in the summer, it wouldn't make it, unless it was a cactus or yucca. Keep posting!

Blooms - I collected a bunch of seeds yesterday from one of my desert willows at my house (my garden is down at my studio and only has the apricot and oh, yes, a vitex) and I'd be glad to send you some. They grow really fast but I don't know how long they take to germinate. If you want to try it, send me your address and I'll mail them to you. Their blooms are so pretty.

Your picture and Angele's of your apricot blooms are AWESOME. I'm going to take my camera down today and try my luck.

Prissy Jo (some people call me Jo) (Prissy Jo is my "stage" name. My DH and a friend and I have a trio. We play acoustic gypsy jazz. I play the BIG bass)

Crossville, TN

I started a Desert Willow one time...after calling the Extension Office to find out how to do it....they said to just put the seeds in sand and they would grow...One did pop up (took a while) and got to about 2 inches high...then I went "roadrunning" around back East...and my family....yes....I blame them...let it die!

Why don't ya'll move this discussion over to the Southwest Forum...you'd get a lot more feed back there. Jo, the Elder

Welcome imafarmer! great to see you!
Jo you are a musician!! does your trio have a name?? (of course it does!!!) what is it?

The vitex are so beautiful. The post office here has two - really gorgeous blooms. How much land do you have to garden with? I only have a third of an acre in a subdivision. Water is really an issue without any water rights. This house had a gorgeous lawn when we bought it but the city water department told me they also had the highest water bill by far in the whole town! We did our best. repairing sprinklers and watering the right time of day so the bill wasn't too high but then the grubs came!!!. (yes blooms, my lawn read your dead lawn thread!!!!) I wasn't sad at all because I really do prefer no lawn with pockets of flowers and native plants.

Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

Yes, our band is called Sweet and Lowdown. I'll include a picture and you can decide who's sweet. (!) Actually, it's a name that's representative of the music we're playing. Old style, 40's jazz kinda stuff. We aren't playing out that much right now because my husband has had to travel and Kevin (our friend, the bald one) got sick. But when we play, we have SUCH a ball! Like I said, this is the Prissy in Prissy Jo. It's a rare occurrence!

Mostly you'll find me in my jeans or shorts, sitting in the dirt (or on the rocks). That picture was taken in our back yard before we had that gravel area bricked. We have four acres of that luscious view behind and it's obvious there's no gardening out there... just appreciating the nature beauty. We can see the whole town and beyond. Every sunrise is a precious gift. The picture with the three of us was when we were goofing off pretending to have to be hitchhiking is the view from our front yard. Every sunset makes you stop and breathe in the beauty. Then I included a picture of the house when a storm was coming up.

My studio is a little tiny house that was built in the 1900s as a schoolhouse. Then they divided up the lot in the 50s and moved it to a small corner of the lot, a block off the main street. So I have the schoolhouse and a tiny lot. There was a bookstore there for a while and it was rented for a while and lots of other stuff I'm sure. But it's so perfect for me. There's not much room but it's not far from the Pecos River and has such good dirt. It's been neglected for a long time but I'm trying to liven it up. It's giving me great joy. And it's zoned commercial so I can sell plants or photographs or my herbs or anything, just one block from the main street.

So, that's my long story to your question!

Thumbnail by PrissyJo
Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

front yard

Thumbnail by PrissyJo
Roswell, NM(Zone 6a)

here's the front of house

Thumbnail by PrissyJo
Crossville, TN

Ya'll look like MY KIND of BAND!! Can I convince you to go to the KY Round Up this fall...and perform for us? We have a couple or 3 or 4 guitar players...but no BASS!! You would knock them dead!!

Beautiful home and view! Jo the Still Elder...

I love it all!!!! Great Great pictures! I showed Kent (my sweetie) your pictures and said "these are from my new friend in Carlsbad". One of my favorite sounds is a pitch bend on a bass.. I used to have a cat named Maynard that would roll around on the floor in ecstasy if I was listening to anything with a pitch bend in it, craziest thing I ever saw. What a hoot.

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