Evergreen Blooming Vines....

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Looking for something hopefully that blooms and is for sure an evergreen. Please just tick off a few for me, I have 3 trellis's in full sun til about 4-5 in the afternoon, so lots of sun!!! I had 3 beautiful Bouganvillea's when I was first starting to garden and since finding DG (thank the heavens!) I can be more educated about plant choices. Didn't realize the Bouganvillea's are tropical and I'm not willing to baby anything that isn't meant for my zone. Since the trelli's are on the front fence and on a corner lot I'd like them to look decent for the whole year (or at least most). Hoping someone out there knows more about vines than me!!! Please help!

P.S. I thought of roses but already have 6 other rose bushes in front and am always battling with black spot because it is humid here.....so that would be a good choice, but a last resort.....thought of Carolina Jasmine or white jasmine....but not sure if cold hardy or evergreen? Maybe you know! =)

Sunset Beach, NC(Zone 8a)

Well, I'm always a sucker for Confederate Jasmine as it truly is evergreen and cold hardy in your zone....... and I love the fragrance! I haven't used the Carolina Jasmine (thinking about it) as my neighbor's is so pretty. It looses a few leaves, but should do fine. Last year I planted evergreen wisteria (not invasive) and it hasn't faired so well through the winter. It looks so straggly and, even though it's starting to put out new growth, I think I'm going to change it out. Another thought is lady banks rose.......isn't plagued by the normal rose pests and has very sweet little clusters of small roses and is mostly seen in yellow even though white is available less frequently. It's a climber and loves a trellis. Won't be as much of a "mass" and the jasmines and I've never noticed a fragrance. I'll be watching for other suggestions for ideas. I've just planted evergreen clematis and it's really starting to take off.....must grow 4 inches a day! The leaves have a softer appearance than the jasmine and the new growth is a deep burgandy and has neat little white tipped (with a pinkish tone). I've mixed in the pink mandevilla even though next winter will take it out. I just wanted to combine a couple of vines and get a real shot of color and be able to have it evergreen. Sounds like I want it all, doesn't it? LOL.

Edited - Just read the thread on the mandevilla and, yes, in my sun (and probably yours) it would boil in the sun. Mine has morning sun till about 12:00, but it will get filtered somewhat from the clematis.

This message was edited Mar 9, 2006 10:50 PM

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Bdunn, thanks so much for all your input! Yep, I wouldn't try the mandevillea, it's tropical. don't have problems with the sun, I had Bouganvillea, cousin to the Mandevillea, and it grew from a quart pot to be 6' tall (with trimming) in one year!!!! Pretty amazing! And wonderful flowers, but our light frosts did her in.

Is the Confederate Jasmine white? The Carolina smells sooo good and has small trumpet like flowers. I had considered Lady Banks climbing rose but....no, I heard it has almost no fragrance and can get pretty large 20x20'. It was a plus that it is thornless though!

Do tell, what clemantis do you have that is evergreen?!?!?! Are they all this way?

Denver, CO

Clematis armandii, cirrhosa, and others. They are not as hardy (z7-8) as their showy counterparts.

Also in the Evergreen climber ranks are Bignonia, Akebia, Lonicera, Holboellia, Gelsemium, and (Trachelospermum as abovementioned).
All worth checking out to fit your needs. Most are fragrant, most get big.
Hope this helps. biodiversity is the gardener's spice of life.
K. James

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I recently saw a vine called Pandorea pandorana...also called Wonga Wonga Vine...the one is saw was covered with clusters of yellow and bronzish small flowers...it is very pretty...does anyone have any experience with this vine??? It is supposedly evergreen or at least semi-evergreen...depending on the zone...

Union Grove, AL

Client had pandorea one year, 3 years ago I think and it was truely lovely, got leggy at the bottom but he covered it with morning glory, the wild form that stays low, worked well, but it is NOT evergreen in 7b not hardy even in sheltered location with mulch.

Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

the confederate jasmine has done really well for me. It is easy to control and smells very good.

Houston, United States(Zone 9b)

Thanks purple, I saw HD (Home Depot) has lots of these in now.

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