Cabbage Seedling Help

Canton, PA(Zone 5b)

With market gardening in view we've started a variety of seeds... everything was doing great until my order of humidity domes arrived & in my enthusiasm I put them on the cabbage ;-O (Danish Ballhead) & Broccoli (DiCiccio) Seedlings that are about 10 days old (up, growing, looking good at that time...yikes!). By the time I checked them toward the end of the day a couple of both the Cabbage & Broccoli were laying over 'gasping for air'! I felt SO stupid...

I gave them a little spritz of weak Chamomile Tea Sol'n (cool, not warm), turned off the lights for the night & hoped for the best. They looked a bit better that next morning (yesterday), perkier, but today one six pack of cabbage seedlings are all down... is this the dreaded 'damping off fungi'?

I really need some help from all you experts that I turn to constantly for wisdom in this process. Y'all don't know how often I peruse these boards getting help & instruction as I journey along this joyful gardening path.

Thanks in advance!

Desperate Sal ;o)
NE PA... Zone 5

Deer Lodge, MT(Zone 4a)

You could either have damping off...or if they've gotten a bit too tall and leggy they've fallen over and are unable to support themselves. Normally if this happens with mine I just start over.

When I seed mine, I seed them in pots/pot packs in flats and keep them in the greenhouse until they sprout and when the majority of them are coming through the soil, I take them out during the day and bring them back in at night. Cole crops like cool weather and that way they get acclimated/hardened off and don't get leggy. I've used this method for years and it works wonderful. Granted the dreaded hauling them in and out everyday gets bothersome at times (also depending on weather conditions, especially if it's a bit too cold and miserable), but it's certainly worth the effort when it's time to fully plant them in the ground.


Canton, PA(Zone 5b)

Hey Ed,

Thanks for your response & encouragement! I ended up pulling the seedlings that were 'keeled over' in the hopes that the others wouldn't be affected. So far, so good. I will be planting more.

Where do you put your seedlings outside? Sunshine, shade, porch, etc.? I'm growing seeds under lights & I've been somewhat perplexed about the 'cole crops' & where to put them... by that I mean, how close should they be to the fluorescents. I've read that it's important for tomatoes to be close to the lights so they don't get leggy. But I wonder if that is too close for the broccoli & cabbage? Your idea would eliminate that debate, huh? So, do you set them in a partially sunny, protected spot or where? Help me out here, please? I'm such a newbie at all this :o)

I appreciate your help... thanks!

Less desperate Sal ;o)

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