Updated tropical seed list

Acacia longifolia (Aus Wattle)
Abutilon vitifolium x suntense
Ageratum corymbosum (purple leaved shrub)
Aloe arborescens ‘Tresco’
Aloe grandidentata (hardy)
Aloe maculata
Aloe striatula (hardy)
Brugmansia ‘Dame Blanche’ (white)
Caesalpinia ferrea (lots)
Cynara cardunuculus (Cardoon)
Entelea arborescens (evergreen Lime,NZ)
Euphorbia mellifera (Madeiran spurge)
Fuchsia excorticata
Geranium maderense (the largest exotic cransbill)
Leucophyta brownii (intense silvery subshrub, yellow flwrs)
Lophospermum erubescens (Climbing Gloxinia)
Melaleuca hyperifolia
Myosotidium hortensa (Chatham Is. Forget-Me-Not)
Nolina bigelovii
Nolina texana
Opuntia phaecantha (cactus)
Puya chilensis
Schefflera actinophylla
Senecio huntii
Tecomaria capensis
Xanthorrhea johnstonii (Aus.Grasstree)

Seeds Wanted

Puya laxa
Lobelia rhynchopetalum
Mesembryanthemums (perennial)


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)


I might have a small maderense I could mail to you. I'll check in a while.


Hiya Lee

Do you have any Xanthorohea left, please say yes, I have a list at another web site so e-mail me please and I`ll sort you out with some nice thing`s

Here`s hoping


Another update:

Abutilon vitifolium x suntense
Ageratum corymbosum (purple leaved shrub)
Aloe arborescens ‘Tresco’
Aloe grandidentata (hardy)
Aloe maculata
Brugmansia ‘Dame Blanche’ (white)
Caesalpinia ferrea (lots)
Echium candicans
Entelea arborescens (evergreen Lime,NZ)
Euphorbia mellifera (Madeiran spurge)
Geranium maderense (the largest exotic cransbill)
Leucophyta brownii (intense silvery subshrub, yellow flwrs)
Lophospermum erubescens (Climbing Gloxinia)
Melaleuca hyperifolia
Myosotidium hortensa (Chatham Is. Forget-Me-Not)
Nolina bigelovii
Nolina texana
Passiflora ‘Grenadilla’
Pittosporum crassifolium (silvery leaves)
Puya chilensis
Puya venusta (red flowers)
Schefflera actinophylla
Senecio huntii
Tecomaria capensis

Seeds Wanted

Puya laxa + raimondii
Lobelia rhynchopetalum
Mesembryanthemums (perennial)
Carpobrotus glauca + species

Cuttings Wanted

Opuntia (pads)

Please see www.kernxotica.co.uk

Gilmer, TX

Lee, I would be interested in your Passiflora 'Grenadilla'. Please check my list and let me know. Thanks, Pam

I would be interested in your Justicia spp.
Let me know.

I would be interested in your Passiflora 'Grenadilla' and the Geranium maderense seeds. I don't have anything on your want list but if you can give me an idea of other seeds you might want, I may have it. Please let me know. Thank you!

Anything tropical really considered.

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