Lilburn, GA


What do I do?!?!?!

I inherited this garden so have no idea about whta will pop out in Spring. My problem is: there are some lovely borders but they have weeds on them. I checked the soil and it looks terrible. How do I prepare the soil? What should i get from the GC? There are some roses, hostas and what looks like liliums starting to grow.

These plants need urgent care. And there is a dying lawn as well. Please give me some advice!

Desperate Spider

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

first thing take a breath.

okay clear all the weeds away and all the dead debree out the lawn and around the plants. then the thing i would do is get some miracle grow and just water fertilize the plants you are keeping. Mark them over the spring so you know what comes up and where. then do the following.

then you need to take a soil sample to the garden center or your county extension service to see what the soil is lacking. trying to make it right weith out knowing what it needs may make it worse or cause the good to go bad.

as for the lawn the same thing. if you dont know what type of grass you have doing anything until you find out what type could be wrong.

i know its hard as i bought a house that had been neglected for 3 years. i have been slowly at it for 2 and still getting things straight.

it will take time but in the long run worth it.

Lilburn, GA

Thank you for the help Imzadi. I am new to the USA so I have no idea about what is available. I am going to get MG and do as you suggested.

Braselton, GA(Zone 7b)

Where are you from? I was born and raised in Georgia, so anything I can help you with, just let me know...

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Yes i meant to ask where did you come from.

if i can help let me know i also started gardening here in Ga/Sc i live on the border of both when i was 16.

my hubby and daughter were both born here in Augusta Ga.

Lilburn, GA

Originally, I am from Brazil. I lived in England for 18 years befor moving to Georgia about 11 months ago as my husband was invited to work for Emory University.

We lived in an apartment in Atlanta for 10 months before moving to our new home. I have been here for 3 weeks now.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Wow Brazil. and England. to be able to travel the world . i am three hours away from Atlanta.

New home CONGRATs!!!

i have been in the USA all my life.

Lilburn, GA

Imzadi, but you are IN the USA!!!

Lilburn, GA

opppps sorry Imzady.

*Spider slaps forehead* I did not read your message well.

The USA is soooo big that travelling from one state to another is equivalent to going abroad in Europe. 2 hours by car and you are in another country.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Hey, that's how we feel here, too. lol

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)


i can only go somewhere by car or boat . i cant fly due to medical reasons. so anywhere i go is by car most of the time. i would love to go abroad but i cant so the Usa is my home.

i also grew up in a very military faimly so traveling the Usa is one big home for me. my hubby travels with his job. my brother used to be a truck driver and i spent a few years with him on that or during the summer.

i would love to go to australia or africa or somewhere exotic but i am forever grounded.

Lilburn, GA

Imzadi, there is no better place in the world than the USA.So, you are not missing anything. :o)

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

no there isnt anyplace better then home. i just think of all the gardens the world has to offer and the animals. i love cats and would love to see a few in the wild. other then that i love it right here in the USA.

Franklin Springs, GA(Zone 7b)

You USA travelers are so right. I took a 3 week Explore America trip on Amtrak in the fall five years ago, all the way from FL through New England, to Seattle and back. I love it so much, I took my mother the following summer for 5 weeks in a travel trailer. We went from Florida, to California, to Seattle, to Canada, to Montanta and back to FL. She had never been anywhere... so we saw every site available on the trip. Had a wonderful time and still loved each other when we got home. Glad we went when we did because she has very bad arthritis and probably couldn't make the trip now, at least not at the pace we traveled. She wants to go to Maine now... so that's hopefully going to happen this summer. I have never traveled aboard and don't have any desire to. My husband would like to see the old building in Europe and I tell him to hop aboard and send me postcards. I'm not leaving America! There is more beauty here than I can possibly see in a lifetime. I would like to go back to Canada and take the Canadian Rockie's railway tour. I've heard it's breathtaking. We need a 'travel' forum for gardeners!

Lilburn, GA

I have been to most of the european countries and can say that dtheir nature and landscapes is nothing compared to here. America is full of natural beauty. Europe is worn out. Forests are long gone. I also have to say that Brazil's nature is breathtaking.

Barnesville, GA(Zone 8a)

Haven't been to Brazil, but I sure loved Europe for it's history and architecture but it is sad that the forests are gone. My favorite places were Prague, Paris and Andulsia. I've seen all but 2 states in the US and we do have a beautiful country.

Spider, while I was waiing for your soil test to come back, I would sure sprinkle some lime and cover it with a healthy layer of Black Kow (composted manure). The best thing I do for my soil is to till in leaf mulch and composted manure on the new beds, and cover the old ones with it in the fall--the worms love it.

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