Industrialism meets Environmentalism

I took these photos yesterday morning and deliberated posting them but figured it's time to start giving credit where credit is due. What we have is an absolutely gorgeous remnant Oak Savanna located in southeastern Wisconsin that a large corporation chose to preserve. This remnant is an integral part of their industrial park.

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

The road into the complex dissects the two major areas of the remnant and there is a man made pond that has been added to enhance the experience. There are quite a few native grasses and sedges present. Here's another photo-

Thumbnail by Equilibrium

And what major corporation is responsible for this indigenous plant haven that covers about 7-8 acres?

Thumbnail by Equilibrium
Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

Can you walk around in there? That'd be interesting. Did you take the tour?

Yes, that's how I originally came to realize it was their property. The first year they opened for business at that location, we went on a tour of the facilities. Quite a nice tour and the children were treated very well and even provided with "samples" to take home. Being that all those Oaks were over there, I skedaddled and left my kids with a girlfriend so I could go poke around by myself. I finished my "tour" a little early and went back in the building to wait for the kids. While there I spoke with a gal in their little gift shop and she was the one who told me the property was owned by Jelly Belly. They didn't have a sign at the entrance at the time. I've noticed over the years that they allow anyone to walk around there. During warmer months, cars will be parked along that drive and you can see people eating lunch.

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

Good stewardship and good PR. Makes me want to buy a bag of Jelly Bellies.

(Zone 10b)

That's very encouraging.

Citra, FL(Zone 9a)

Very nice; thanks for sharing. What town is this in?

Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin

Wauconda, IL

Equil, I doubt it's a remnant..but congrats to them for not cutting down the Oaks.

I'll take you over there and you decide! Roadtrip!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 4b)

What a nice thing for them to do.

When IKEA put in a store here in Mpls rather than taking up all the space around them with parking lot. They put in a rainwater garden to take the runoff from the parking lot and not just send the dirty water down to the Mississippi River.

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