Under Black Walnut Tree

Goodlettsville, TN(Zone 6b)

I'm having a problem with my Heucheras under a Black Walnut tree. Problem - they die.
Has anyone had this problem? Heard some plants don't do well under Black Walnuts. Advice?

Avon, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi Dona , Black Walnut trees secrete a substance known as juglone , which is toxic to some plants and therefore don't thrive in or around the BWT. But heucheras aren't one them. I wonder if if watering might be the issue. I am no expert when it comes to heucheras, but I believe they like moisture( but well drained) and might be competing with the tree for water. Did you have a dry year? You might need to up the watering especially your plants are newly established.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Welcome Dona_Lee, I've grown the white ones under a walnut for a few years now. A friend gave me the new one, Marmalade, and I'm not sure it's comming back this spring. It was a healthy plant from a reliable nursery, but even tho I kept it watered, it sort of faded all summer. I'm glad you asked, because I'd like to hear everyone's opinion.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I have a Black Walnut tree in my yard,,,,grrrrrrr. I will be putting a bed close to it. I plan on using heavy duty lining on the ground, outlining the bed with rocks and then filling in with compost. They are buggers those trees. I have an Azalea kinda close and it really isn't doing much. Will prolly move it this year.


Avon, NY(Zone 5b)

Hi kelly,
I think your probably wise to move your azaela...That is definitly one listed as not doing well under the BWT. Although I have never actually tried growing one in my beds, d/t to too costly to risk losing. But I actually think Black Walnuts get a bad rap. Maybe that is because my yard is filled with them and I have grown to really like them. Most of all my gardens are planted under and around the BWT, Most woodland /shade plants will grow under the BWT. and actually do wonderfully there. Their high canopy provides nice dappled shade and they roots don't mind being planted around. The only complaint I have with them really is the mess they can make when they start dropping their nuts, but again some years are worse than others. The past few years , haven't been bad. But I remember one year they produced with abundance and just walking through the yard was dangerous (LOL) I would get klunked in the head everytime I strolled through the yard.And we picked up wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow full of them that year.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Kelly---- you surprised me saying your going to put down a heavy liner. I would be worried about trying that. From my experience I find that hosta roots go dwon and not out. I wonder what will happen if that compost is only a couple feet thick.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

LOL Walnut. I have 3 trees and have lived here 30 years. A couple of years ago I got hit on the shoulder for the first time. You're right about wheelbarrels full. I'd go out every day and pick them up. Especially so I could mow. My trees don't have very tasty nuts, but the neighbor's 2 trees do, so I save his nuts and toss mine across the road for the squirrels. (His 2 trees are on my south border and that's where my 84' x 14' bed is)

Central, WI(Zone 4a)


It's about 10 - 15 feet away from the BW,,,guess that's too close. Will be moving it when I can start digging.

I'm going to try it,,,we'll see how it works. Maybe from what Wal said I don't need to worry about the hostas.....still, don't want all those tree roots in the bed.

Wish that tree wouldn't be so messy.

gotta go customer here.


Goodlettsville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks everyone. My hostas, 15 varities, seem to do well right under the tree, all except one. I'll probably move it this year. I had a Lime Ricky and a Monet that didn't come back. Not sure I'll try others under the tree. I collect the nuts and take them to the local wild life rescue/rehab center. They want them, green husks and all! Lawn mowers, windows and black walnuts do not mix well!

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

Dona Lee---- I was told by several people including two nursery growers that monet is not a good plant and they stopped carrying it because of that. It seems that it has so much white it does not convert light to food well. I was told that Lime ricky has to have more sun than average also.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Marmalade died last fall. No new growth this spring. It was a strong healthy plant that kept fading away even tho I watered and tended. Peach Flambe will not go near the walnut

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I lost my Marmalade too. Although it wasn't under a Black Walnut. Lost Monet this year, also Creme Brulee

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm new to the colors. I wonder if they aren't hardy? Not the word I'm looking for because mine faded all summer. I even moved it to a better drained area under the walnut.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Maybe it was that toxin BW trees give off. Certain thing sit bothers and certain things it doesn't. I'll definitely be moving my Azalea this year. Too close to that Black Walnut tree and it just isn't doing anything.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Most everything I've put under the walnut seems to be ok. I suspect it blackened the stems of the monkshood. I moved it and it lives now, even tho it's under the shade of another walnut. Just not so close.

This is the bed under the 2 walnuts

Thumbnail by billyporter
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

looks great. very nice bed

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks. Hope to get a better photo when things bloom. I have blue flax all the way across ths back. All but 1 delphinium survived and there's astilbe and other odds and ends.

Gravois Mills, MO(Zone 6a)

So far so good with my new bed. I am watching the color and eapect I might have to shift a bit here and there. I build that bed by first putting down about 3-4 inches of top soil then added another 3-4 inches of turkey compost last winter and let it sit till late March.Tilled it all up and planted my plants. I may spread some cotton burr compost between them later

Avon, NY(Zone 5b)

Nice bed Billy, bet it ill be gorgeous in full bloom. Hope you remember to post pictures


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Ozarkian, I had to build the bed up because of uneven ground. I got a truckload of dirt and if I had known how good that dirt was, I would have ordered two.
Thanks Elaine, I'm hoping to get a better digital. We're new to all this. DD set us up with her first one. It takes 5 pictures, then you have to come in and unload them. I like digital tho!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I have taken a few pictures. This is looking east, up the south peony bed. It's mostly iris in bloom.

As for the Heuchera, I planted Peach Flambe to the side of a silver maple. I'm keeping it watered, but I notice a dwindling of leaves. It gets morning sun and shade the rest of the day. At least it keeps putting out more leaves. I gave it a little fertilizer earlier this spring and we've gotten a few good rains since.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Here's a shot facing east. Iris, blue flax, corydalis and white bleeding heart are shown.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Central, WI(Zone 4a)

Nice pics,,,very colorful. I like that

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thank you! I won't have a lot bloom this year. It kind of got neglected as I made new beds and enlarged old ones. Plus, I seemed to have ordered sun lovers this year.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I'm in the same boat this year. Bill just placed rocks in 2 areas for 2 new beds. I bought so much last year, I need more room. Now, all I have to do is find some good composted manure, shovel it in and plant. I will be taking all the plants out of the front garden and re-doing that one. Will be a long project, but Well worth it.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I hear you on the redo. I had to move everything last year and dig out quackweed, shovelful by shovelful. I dug deep too. The garden got put in there instead of putting flowers back. Gave me a chance to give away duplicates and get reseeders under control. A bare bed looks mighty strange! But a freshly dug one with no weeds looks great! So much fun to put back together.

Central, WI(Zone 4a)

I agree 100%

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Just wanted to mention that putting in a liner to keep the roots out won't save plants that don't do well near black walnuts. The nuts and fallen leaves also contain juglone.

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